I am using Code::Block on Windows for ARM development. I flash my controllers using OOCD. This tool wants it's pathnames with forward slashes even on windows. If I use some variables in the tool configuration Code::Blocks inserts the pathnames with backslashes like normal on windows.
Lets say I want to give the full path to my target output file. I try it this way:
This expands to:
It's a typical Windows path like expected. But I need a Linux-like path with forward slashes:
1. Is there any way to convert the variables to this "linux-like" syntax, may some kind of script or special syntax?
As I noted Code::Blocks accepts a varity of forms of variables like
Maybe it would be nice to interpret them slightly different like $VARIABLE = use forward slashes %VARIABLE% = use backslashes or something. And maybe adding a special character befor the variable name to signal a full path, like this: $_VARIABLE
What do you think about that?
2. Is there an easier way to get the full path of a target output file like as linking all these variable together.
BTW.: it is very helpful that the configurate tools dialog shows examples of the variables, but they are outdated.