Author Topic: Debug Threads  (Read 3403 times)

Offline Achromat

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Debug Threads
« on: February 03, 2017, 11:48:55 am »

i have an mutiple Socketlistener with somer threads.

When i set an Halt-Point the Debugger trigger this Point and the Code around +/- 3 Lines
and jump with Hal marker around the Setting halt Point. By press 3-5 x F7 step by step
the Point is leave and the process runs again.

What goes up with jumping haltpoints, or instable Programm flow in debug Modus ?

Thanks für suggestions
 Karsten from Berlin

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Debug Threads
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 04:52:48 pm »
Lets clear up some things: Codeblocks is nor a compiler, nor a debugger. Codeblocks is a IDE.
Codeblocks is only a GUI for gdb so mostly to solve a problem you search on google how to solve this problem with gdb and then you look how this is done in codeblocks

Your problem is mostly caused by this:

so as i have written in the other post turn off optimization...