using gfortran i am using a module which i first must use a -c switch so produce a module.o file from say a module.f90 file then link it for the main program to use so the two steps are:
gfortran -c module.f90
gfortran main.f90 module.o
The first step produces module.o and ic.mod where ic is the name of the module in the module.f90 file
These two steps work at the dos command line, that is not using code::blocks at all, and produce a valid working a.exe file. I guess it's too much to ask that code::blocks could be automated to do this totally within the code block gui or ide or whatever you call it. BUT anyway I should be able to apply the -c switch in code blocks (for just the first step) according to the directions by going to settings,compiler settings , other options and i put in that box
and press ok which is exactly what it should do to get the same as gfortran -c module.f90
BUT it doesn't ! Gives error and does not produce the module.o and ic.mod files as it should.
For example in dos could make a .bat file to do both of these. Too bad codeblocks could not be automated to do this totally within the codeblocks ide/gui program. That would be the best. I have used code blocks for standard comiling with success but not doing these two steps with the -c flag and then attaching a module.o file but as per above it would not even just apply the -c flag for the first step !