Hi guys,
I'd like to implement some requested features, that is nice for me. But i have problems with CodeBlocks build.
Steps that I was do:
- Checked out latest SVN 9660
- unpacked precompiled wxmsw 2.8.12
- correctly set global vars wx and cb_release_type
- executed update.bat (as seen on some forum that this can fix this problem)
- run rebuild in current nightly CodeBlocks
After above steps, following is printed in build log:
Running target pre-build steps
build_tools\autorevision\autorevision +wx +int +t . include/autorevision.h
-------------- Build: sdk in Code::Blocks wx2.8.x (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------
Target is up to date.
Running target post-build steps
cmd /c if not exist devel\share\CodeBlocks mkdir devel\share\CodeBlocks
zip -jq9 devel\share\CodeBlocks\manager_resources.zip sdk\resources\*.xrc
cmd /c "cd sdk\resources & zip -0 -q ..\..\devel\share\CodeBlocks\manager_resources.zip images\*.png images\12x12\*.png images\16x16\*.png"
zip error: Nothing to do! (devel\share\CodeBlocks\manager_resources.zip)
Process terminated with status 12 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
When I execute command
cd sdk\resources & zip -0 -q ..\..\devel\share\CodeBlocks\manager_resources.zip images\*.png images\12x12\*.png images\16x16\*.png
from the top-level subversion directory, it prints "zip error: nothing to do !", but if I cd to src dir (the one with codeblocks project dirs), the above zip command succeeds.
Seems that I have somewhere wrong configuration of project root folder, but i cannot find where :-(
When I tried to remove all zip commands from all post-build steps, build succeeds, but C::B cannot run (Error 0xC6000005) as this can be expected.
Could anyone help me please ?