I'm trying to use the cpp-netlib 0.10.1 which requires the Boost library. I have successfully tested my installation of the Boost library with some example code provided by the Boost website. (
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html#build-a-simple-program-using-boost) which worked perfectly. I was able to successfully set the search directory under Settings->Compiler and Debugger..->Search Directory allowing the sample code to work. However, when trying to compile the sample code from the cpp-netlib (
http://cpp-netlib.org/0.10.1/examples/http/simple_wget.html), it does not compile. The first error I receive is "undefined reference to 'boost::system::generic_category()'.
The tutorial on the cpp-netlib website (
http://cpp-netlib.org/0.10.1/getting_started.html#getting-boost) states that I need to set the environment variable BOOST_ROOT to the top directory of the Boost directory. I know where my boost directory is located. I don't know how to create and set this variable and need help in doing this. However, maybe it is the wrong way of going about this and I need some other course of action. My purpose is to use the cpp-netlib library.
I do know there is a plugin Environment Variables, but my understanding is that it sets it for your current focus in C::B. I would like it set globally instead, however.
Also, I noticed that the boost directory (from the Boost library) does not contain a network folder. This folder sits within the 'boost' directory of cpp-netlib. Maybe someone could also explain the reason cpp-netlib would do this. I am a new programmer and this seems overly complicated to do that.
If it helps I have both the Boost library and the cpp-netlib sitting in a ~/Libraries directory.
Thank you!