1. the libraries are called libwx_gtk-<...> not libwx_gtk2-<...>. That needs to be changed.
No it does not. Every single time I have given information about the linux build, I have specifically noted that codeblocks works
only against gtk2, which would mean libwx_gtk
2-2.4.so and friends. This also explains the error you 're getting when trying to run codeblocks...
2. in addition to libwxgtk2.4-dev, libwxgtk2.4-contrib-dev and libwxbase2.4-dev are needed. Without base you will get a linker error.
This is distro-specific. When you manage to build it under debian testing, you are more than welcome to post an article in the wiki and tell us what is different for debian testing.
This week, beta6 will be released. This could be called "the Linux version". It will be the first
usable linux version. Additionally I
have already written a step-by-step article describing how to build codeblocks in linux (including wxGTK).
So, be patient for a couple of days, and then read the article and try to build beta6. I bet things will be easier for you now

For anything else you might wanna ask, feel free to...