We all know that patches should be posted at the
sourceforge CB Berlios CB project page. But during the discussions in the forums a lot of bugs get fixed and patches are posted for testing as attachments in the forums. Sometimes these patches don't make it to sourceforge. Probably the forums are good place to live for the people, lot's of information, lot's of quick feedback , ..., probably a much nicer place then sourceforge project page.
Therefor I would like to suggest to every patcher to also use this thread as an 'announcement' of your patch.
So only for announcement : NOT FOR DISCUSSION, link to another thread where the discussion can be held.
Next to this I'dd like the patcher to track his/her patches over time, so that the moment a patch has been applied to the code by the developers, the original patcher can edit his announcement and mark it as being applied.
I am in the process of providing nightly builds through the forum/sourceforge, and I will probably also provide unofficial builds (containing some community patches, so providing some kind of testing builds : quicker feedback on the good or bad behaviour of a patch).
Your announcement could look like this.
Patch name : ...
Problems fixed :
- ... (describe what's wrong)
- ...
Link to the forum where it can be discussed : ...
Link to the patch at
sourceforge Berlios : ... !!!!!!! post the patch overthere !!!!!!!!
Is applied to the core code : (yes/no) (meaning is it in : yes or no)
Some additional information could be :
- at which revision you made the patch
- a zip file containing just the modified sources (easier for manual compaire with diff tools)
kind regards,
Remark : applied to the core means : a CB developer has applied your patch, so your changes are now into the core code (the real code you get from svn).