Author Topic: C::B, Ubuntu, Environment Variables  (Read 4346 times)


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C::B, Ubuntu, Environment Variables
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:19:28 am »
Hi All,

I'm giving Code::Blocks (under Ubuntu) a test drive, and have run in to a problem.  I can't seem to set any environment variables within the IDE.

I'm reading through a tutorial here: which tells me to do to the following:

Setting it Up
It’s rather simple. You want to install Code::Blocks itself as well as the contributor plugins. In the ubuntu repository these files are called ‘codeblocks’ and ‘codeblocks-contrib’.

When you have those installed, open Code::Blocks and go to Settings and then EnvironmentSettings and scroll down to Environment Variables. Click on Add and input:

Key: DEVKITPRO Value: Wherever devkitPro is installed

Key: DEVKITARM Value: The folder devkitARM inside the devkitPro folder

Key: PAPATH Value: The folder ‘lib’ inside the PAlib folder inside the devkitPro folder

Press ‘Set Now’ and then ‘Yes’. You are now fully set up.

I can't find anything relating to environment variables within the IDE.  I'm sure  I'm missing something simple, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


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Re: C::B, Ubuntu, Environment Variables
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 04:33:38 am »
Verify that the plugin Environment Variable is installed and enabled.
Look under "PlugIns" -> Manage Plugins for "Environment Variable" plugin.

Note to set Environment Variable,
under "Settings" ->  "Environment" scroll down on left side to find "Environment Variable"

Tim S.
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
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