@Wagner de Queiroz : It should be better to use launchpad, but I have no idea how to do to update it, and even if it's possible because I'm not the owner of the original file on Launchpad.
So I continue here ...
Updates to the .pot file extracted from
svn 8572 are
here. It's OK for the new Release Canditates
12.11 RC1.
Translation in French, also updated from
svn 8572 in the .po and .mo file is
here. Also OK for version
12.11 RC1.
There are 7900 character chains. There is still some work to do, not obvious without the context

. So, if you meet them and have some propositions, or find errors, don't hesitate to mail me (or send a PM).

See previous posts for other informations.
The extraction tool is