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Using Code::Blocks / Re: no such file or directory
« Last post by stahta01 on October 28, 2024, 09:48:06 pm »
Please read the FAQ in the CB Wiki; Code::Blocks is not the Compiler one is on topic today.
To complain about an Compiler Message as if it was created by the Code::Blocks IDE just shows you have not read even the first 5 FAQs or you failed to understand them.

Tim S.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: no such file or directory
« Last post by dv82xl on October 28, 2024, 08:24:29 pm »
I did as you showed - and it worked!
agree that 'putting all your eggs in one basket' is a bad idea
I started coding on punch cards
sometimes - oftentimes these tools are not very verbose
If I improved CodeBlocks - it wouldn't  say 'no such file or directory' especially when it's clearly in the project - I would code the file search engine to recursively look in the project folder
thanks for your help   
p.s. CLEdit is going to be a command line editor merging IBM TSO Edit and including the BIM extensions features - it will obliterate vim- which I simply dislike   
Using Code::Blocks / Re: no such file or directory
« Last post by gd_on on October 28, 2024, 08:02:21 pm »
If I understand how is set your project, you have a file structure like this:
   |- CLEditCF.cpp
   |- CLEditDB.cpp
   |- CLEditCF.h
   |- CLEditDB.h

from inside CLEditDB.cpp, you have an #include CLEditDB.h
from inside CLEditMain.h, you have an #include CLEditCF.h

The compiler will find your .h files if you add in your project CLEdit / build options / Search directories / compiler, the path to the "include" folder.

An other solution is to have all your files directly in the root folder CLEdit, but it's not a goob solution for big projects.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: no such file or directory
« Last post by stahta01 on October 28, 2024, 07:22:32 pm »
Post a build log and maybe some can help you. Fail to post a build log and I for one will ignore you!
Using Code::Blocks / Re: no such file or directory
« Last post by Михаил Агарков on October 28, 2024, 05:21:28 pm »
IIRC the project workspace structure can be different from the actual directory structure of the project.
Using Code::Blocks / no such file or directory
« Last post by dv82xl on October 28, 2024, 03:26:17 pm »
I have a project, the files are listed in the project, when typing #include, the file CLEditDB.h is listed with the other headers in the include folder - the build function errors out - see picture
this wasn't an issue yesterday - the project built without issue
codeblocks edit can see the file - the build cannot
p.s. please don't tell me I don't know how to ask a question - if you don't have a helpful answer please stay silent         

also: I find it strange that adding a class in codeblocks created the include folder - yet - codeblocks build can't see it   
Using Code::Blocks / Easy instructions for installing Nightly build in Windows
« Last post by mannisp on October 28, 2024, 12:31:42 am »
Yeah I know there are already some kind of instructions for how to install nightly builds in this forum; however, for a beginner they are not very clear and it was written in year 2006 A.D. so there is some old info, that makes you wonder if they still apply. But most importantly, there are no instructions for installing MinGW compiler and getting it configured.
So, I decided to write down the steps, not only to make it easier for a new guy but also to make notes to myself, since after four years when I next time need to install a new PC I won't remember all this anymore.

So, in Nightly builds thread you should select the latest build, unless a miracle has happened and some recent version has been marked as a stable version. Normally this does not happen so the best bet is to use the latest.
In each post there are links for at least three zip downloads (from SourceForge) + probably a link to GitHub for the used MinGW compiler. At first time you need to get all of them.
Zips (7z) needed are:
1. CB_blahblah... (CodeBlocks itself)
2. Mingw... (Mingw dll's needed by CodeBlocks; this is not the compiler!)
3. wxmsw... (wxWidget dll's)
And at first time, or for updating the compiler version:
4. MinGW compiler package from GitHub.

Extract CB zip to a folder whatever you like; I put it in c:\Program Files\Codeblocks.
Extract also abovementioned zips 2 and 3 to the same Codeblocks folder.
Now your Codeblocks is basically installed. You may create a shortcut to codeblocks.exe that exists in Codeblocks folder.

Then install the compiler:

Extract MinGW package to another folder. Now, there's a possibility to use the folder name that is set as default in CodeBlocks: c:\mingw-w64\mingw64. However, there's no guarantee the default is always that and besides at least I don't like occupying root directly with application specific folders. So, just put it anywhere you like.

Set PATH from Windows system environment variable to include bin folder that exists in this MinGW folder. Note, you have to do this also if you used default folder name, in which case the path is c:\mingw-w64\mingw64\bin. If you don't know how to set PATH variable check google.

When you start CodeBlocks first time, it autodetects compilers, and obviously it does not find MinGW if it is not in default folder. But it is ok, just continue. Go to Settings->Compiler menu:
- Set Selected compiler to GNU GCC MinGW64 Compiler and click Set as default.
- Under Search directories change directory names for Compiler Policy and Linker Policy.
- Under Toolchain executables change Compiler's installation directory.
You are ready!
Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by ThierryD on October 26, 2024, 06:45:42 pm »
Hi Miguel, Hi Tim,

YES. Today I can reproduce precedent "crash".

An Alert box appear with title : "wxWidgets Debug Alert"

Text into this alert box :
   ../../src/commen/wincmn.cpp(3426): assert ""!wxMouseCapture::stack.empty()"" failed into
   ReleaseMouse(): Releasing mouse capture but capture stack empty?
Juste to describe my actions, I modify my project CB, but not in IDE, simply with "notepad++" to add
two new files at this project (here new files are "logger.h" and "logger.c").

In my file *.cbp, it's easy to add these new lines under :

      <Unit filename="src/logger.c">
         <Option compilerVar="CC" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Debug DMC" />
         <Option target="Release DMC" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc" />
         <Option target="Release lcc" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc64" />
         <Option target="Release lcc64" />
         <Option target="Debug BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Release BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 32" />
         <Option target="Release OW 32" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 64" />
         <Option target="Release OW 64" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X64" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X64" />
      <Unit filename="src/logger.h">
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Debug DMC" />
         <Option target="Release DMC" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc" />
         <Option target="Release lcc" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc64" />
         <Option target="Release lcc64" />
         <Option target="Debug BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Release BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 32" />
         <Option target="Release OW 32" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 64" />
         <Option target="Release OW 64" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X64" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X64" />
I save this "project" CB file into notepad++.
Into IDE, CB react to ask me if I want reload new project or not. I respond yes.

And, after, new click on "Rebuild all", and "crash" in wxWidgets  ... with Alert Box described below.

Windows IDE disappear (snif), with generation of RPT file (the same with precedent ...)


Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by Uriens The Gray on October 26, 2024, 03:17:51 pm »
Works fine from the MSYS2 packages. Using Win 11.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by Grit Clef on October 26, 2024, 06:36:40 am »
No, it is not about plugins but codeblocks itself. Strange.
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