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Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by ollydbg on February 01, 2025, 02:37:14 pm »
I have a question about the svn commit in rev 13606.

Code::Blocks / SVN Repo / Diff of /trunk/src/plugins/contrib/BrowseTracker/btswitcherdlg.h

It looks like this file btswitcherdlg.h does not change anything?
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Elena on February 01, 2025, 12:39:36 pm »
Hi Pecan, I am sorry if I really cannot be more accurate.
I have attached a screenshot of those I call "choosers", very sorry for not having a better name for them lol
Which plugin is responsible for them btw ?
Unfortunately there are not any definite actions I can suggest to reproduce the hiccups :(
But I notice clearly, when moving the cursor thru the text, or sometimes while typing, that often very short pauses occur, fractions of a second I mean, but are annoying and noticeable and can still be confusing if one types or edits quickly. And when this happens, for a very short time those two gadgets flash or kind of, like they becoming disabled and then enabled again, so I suspected it could be related.
Again, I started noticing this problem at some point last Summer.
Development / Re: asm("int3"); /*trap*/ query
« Last post by Wkerry on February 01, 2025, 10:42:31 am »
It was in the latest SVN change, but I am 1000% confident the same int 3 is in other places as I have included it in apps I have done where I enable it in a debug build.

This is some thing to thin about when you see an "int 3".
Development / Re: asm("int3"); /*trap*/ query
« Last post by ollydbg on February 01, 2025, 06:54:56 am »
Hi, Pecan, my guess is that your recent to commits have some code change related to the "int3" instruction.

Maybe, we can find a way for both X86 based CPU and ARM based CPU.
Development / Re: asm("int3"); /*trap*/ query
« Last post by Pecan on February 01, 2025, 06:45:10 am »
In the code there are a few of the following calls:
asm("int3"); /*trap*/

This works for x86 based CPU's, but when I use google to check what the arm equivalent it is not the same.

I have seen some historical posts of people building C::B on a RPi. As such it may be an idea to add protection around the asm("int3"); for x86 CPU's only and add support for ARM so that in the future when/if C::B does officially support running on RPi or other ARM SBC's/PC's then the code should hopefully then require less changes.

Which code do you see the int3's in that are unprotected?
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Pecan on February 01, 2025, 06:40:44 am »
... In fact, I notice that when such hiccups occur, those two choosers are displayed ghosted (disabled) for a fraction of a second and then become enabled again.
Btw, which is the plugin responsible for those, so that I can try disabling it, to see if the hiccups disappear ?

Using latest NB, Win10 x64.

I'm unclear about which "two choosers" you mean.
Are they one of the menu choices, or one of the icon choices? Do they have a name that pops up if you hover the mouse over them?

If we could get closer to which "choosers", we can get closer to the problem.

Are you just hovering over some variable in the text when it happens.
Could you give me a "1)do this" then "2)do that" type instructions to get a clearer picture in my old mind?
Development / asm("int3"); /*trap*/ query
« Last post by Wkerry on February 01, 2025, 02:20:32 am »
In the code there are a few of the following calls:
asm("int3"); /*trap*/

This works for x86 based CPU's, but when I use google to check what the arm equivalent it is not the same.

I have seen some historical posts of people building C::B on a RPi. As such it may be an idea to add protection around the asm("int3"); for x86 CPU's only and add support for ARM so that in the future when/if C::B does officially support running on RPi or other ARM SBC's/PC's then the code should hopefully then require less changes.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Elena on February 01, 2025, 12:56:45 am »
Hi Pecan,
my PC is an Intel i7 8700K 3,7 GHz, a very fast machine.
As I said, those "hiccups" started at some point, I would say between last Spring and Summer, sadly I can't say for sure from which Nightly Build :( But everything was fine and smooth before that point !

The clangd client is already disabled.
As for the Browser Tracker, I was suggested here to disable it, by another user who experienced slowdowns by it on startup (but it was not responsible for the hiccups while typing).
As for the Thread Search (another thing which was suggested here) I disabled it but I don't think that helped with the hiccups.

I tired to disable the Code Completion, but it was NOT the culprit.

Those little hiccups are noticeable in particular while moving the cursor thru the text.

As I said, I think the culprit is the plugin responsible for showing those two choosers in the top bar, with all functions defined in the current code. But I don't know which plugin it is, so I cannot try disabling it...
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Pecan on February 01, 2025, 12:13:30 am »
Well, I'm sorry that BrowseTracker is not working for you.
But I do not know what else I can do since I cannot re-create the slow down hiccups.

BTW, what kind of machine are you using?
Are you using a system with an Intel Celeron?

Regarding the plugins that use popup windows and show code selections would be CodeCompletion and clangd_client.

CodeCompletion and cland_client are multi-threaded and require heavy usage of the cpu. You might want to disable them and see what happens to the hiccups.
Using Code::Blocks / Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Elena on January 31, 2025, 07:50:04 pm »
Since some months (not sure from which NB the problem started, unfortunately) I noticed there are annoying hiccups while editing code in the main text editor. In the meantime I tried disabling the following (on suggestion):
-Browse Tracker plugin (this improved slowness overall a lot though)
-Thread Search plugin (this likely improved the hiccups but not completely)

In particular, I suspect they are related to a plugin whose name I ignore, which is responsible for those two choosers (pop-down menus) in the top bar, which show all symbols defined in the current code. In fact, I notice that when such hiccups occur, those two choosers are displayed ghosted (disabled) for a fraction of a second and then become enabled again.
Btw, which is the plugin responsible for those, so that I can try disabling it, to see if the hiccups disappear ?

Using latest NB, Win10 x64.
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