thx for the reply.
So I unzip the 3 .7z file (CB_20240807_rev13539_win64, wxmsw32u_gcc_cb_wx325_2D_gcc1410-mingw64, Mingw64dlls14.1.0)
into the same folder and start codeblocks.exe in it.
So I guess you start Codeblocks by just typing "Codeblocks" or "Codeblocks.exe".
Good, so from now on type "codeblocks /d" to turn on the codeblocks debugger tab at the bottom.
Then go to Settings/Editor/clangd_client/ C/C++ parser(adv.)
Enable check boxes entitled "Enable plugin info logging" and "Enable plugin Debug logging".
Close CodeBlocks and restart it with the /d parameter to turn on those logs.
Load a project you'd normally load for editing.
Wait until the "Code::Blocks Debug" tab at the bottom stops scrolling information.
Right click on the "Code::Blocks Debug" tab at the bottom and choose "Copy contents to clipboard".
Now choose from the main menu, File/New/EmptyFile and say no if asked to add the file to the project.
Select and move the mouse into that empty file and paste into it (ctrl-z key). You should see the log now pasted into that empty editor file.
Save that file to %tmp%/Juxin5ClangdLog.txt, (or any folder that's convenient to you). %tmp% is the same as your C:\Temp or C:/tmp folder.
Zip it up so that you can attach it to a reply to this message.
Thanks for your patients.
And forgive me if I insult your intelligence.