Hi Joerg,
There is no mechanism for counting breakpoints at the moment, and as you are using hardware breakpoints that is most likely the problem.
From memory there are 2 on the ARM7TDMI. I have done all my testing so far debugging from RAM, which has unlimited breakpoints. We do need a mechanism for limiting and I will add it to the list.
The missing tab sounds like the plugin is not being loaded. When you build the plugin, the plugin files (should) be automatically copied to the codeblocks plugin directory.
After compiling, in the $(#cb)\devel directory there should be libmcumgr.a. This is the mcu manager singleton shared between the mcu.dll plugin and the mcu sub-plugins.
In the $(#cb)\devel\share\CodeBlocks\plugins directory there should be mcu.dll
In $(#cb)\devel\share\CodeBlocks\plugins\mcudrv directory there should be the mcu sub-plugins libSTM32.a, STM32.xml, libSTR7.a, STR7.xml (and soon a generic driver but it's not on SVN yet).
Are you using windows or linux?