Author Topic: add new platforms?  (Read 4165 times)


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add new platforms?
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:37:38 am »
Hi there,

i'm really new to code blocks but im using visual studio in my day work, actually i want to use code blocks for my "home" project but im getting some troubles using it. I have setup a custom makefile project so far no problem but i would like to be able to run the generated binary directly from codeblocks, I precise that im on x86 but im compiling a ppc application so i have an elf generated at the end. In the properties of the project i choose native as platforms since i dont see any other good choice but when i setup host application to load the elf to the final target its never called, by searching in the forums i made a test with a static library and finally the host application was called, is there any other elegant way ?

also an another question (sorry thats a lot for a first post   :)) i was using insight to debug my elf on the target device, but it seems that i could use cd instead , am i right ? i have setup the correct gdb exe in the options but when im clicking on debug i just have some feedback message saying that, then nothing :

Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Build succeeded
Selecting target:
Adding source dir: D:\tmp\TestGDB\
Adding source dir: D:\tmp\TestGDB\

Many thanks in advance