dmoore. I sincerely appreciate your reply and of course, your time.
One thing however - the
main.c file isn't coming up for me as a blank entry point into the project (did I install Code::Blocks incorrectly?). It's the source code for the "Hello World" thing. Is there any way to create a
New Project with the Console Wizard without having the
main.c file ("Hello World") included by default in the Source File folder? It may be irrelevant, but there must be a way to get rid of it unless I want every project I create in Code::Blocks IDE to say "Hello World" when I execute it.
More importantly, the function for telling the machine where to start reading in the
main.c source file reads
int main(). Not just
main() but
int main(). The
int part of this
main() function line confuses me. Does it have something to do with the source file's name also being
main.c? Do I have to get it out of the
trials folder in the default path
C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\trials\*. At any rate, I get error messages for "multiple definitions of
main()" when I try to write a new source file, I imagine because the
main.c "Hello World" source file is within every project I try to create in Code::Blocks.
I can imagine my portfolio in a few years: 200 some-odd projects that start out by saying "Hello World"
. . .
Seriously, I know it is me, not the program. Nonetheless, I am stumped. Code::Blocks is famous for being easy. What pray tell could I be doing wrong?