Author Topic: how to solve curses.h no such file or directory  (Read 9786 times)


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how to solve curses.h no such file or directory
« on: June 22, 2008, 07:20:55 am »
  it's said that c::b is a excellent IDE.i downloaded it which is for windows.i want to write a simple graphics is the problem:c::b respond that curses.h :no such file or directory

Offline MikeTacular

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Re: how to solve curses.h no such file or directory
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 01:04:06 am »
Are you writing #include "curses.h" or #include <curses.h>?  If the former, make sure that curses.h is in the same directory as your project.  If the latter, add the correct search directory to the project.  Also make sure you are spelling it right.  I doubt it's a problem with Code::Blocks.