Author Topic: Is is possble to include C++ language help fies in CodeBlocks?  (Read 5968 times)

Offline golagha

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Hi dears,
This is my first post. I did several searchs in the forum regarding the above mentioned capability but find nothing. I have worked with CodeBlocks only for 1 week! but it is a greate program and I must appreciate its developers. As you know, sometimes in coding phase of a program we need to access to the help files of C++ language. Some of these files in *.hlp format are distributed over the net but it is hard to switch to hlp files )in order to find any documentation) and switch back to the code....

I wish I could use F1 to access to C++ help documentation (offline method). So I could solve several problems.

I am new to CodeBlocks, but I have a simple question regarding above mentioned capability.

I have found a Help plugin. It is very handy but I need a deep search in a help file. For example assume that your coding like this:

#include <exception>
#include <stdexception>
class TMyException : public runtime_error

  TMyException::TMyException() : runtime_error("Test Only!") {}


You will be informed many errors regarding "runtime_error" only because of you have not include "using std::runtime_error". in this simple case I need to know what is wrong. So I move the cursor under "runtime_error" and press F1. With Help Plugin I have added a *.hlp file and it will open immediately but there is no deep search regarding "runtime_error" and you should do it manually. I there any better way?

Thanks in advance and thanks again for your valuable project

*** Edited because of presenting some example for clarification of What I mean.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 04:32:35 pm by golagha »

Offline Ceniza

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Re: Is is possble to include C++ language help fies in CodeBlocks?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2008, 07:40:35 pm »
What do you mean by "deep search"?

BTW, the C++ help files I've seen (the libstdc++ ones) are horrible to navigate. I don't even find them useful. It's a PITA to find anything in them.

Offline golagha

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Re: Is is possble to include C++ language help fies in CodeBlocks?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2008, 03:59:37 pm »
Many thanks for your attention.

Let me focus on Microsoft Windows OS. In windows there are *.hlp files. As you know, these files are able to be used simply within windows OS. CodeBlocks have a powerfull plugin (Help Plugin). I used it to make access to a help file which is presented in Borland C++  package. It is very handy and useful. When you press F1 it does its best in order to find the best match for the token under cursor.

Assume that there is a help package (for example in HTML format), interacting with CodeBlocks properly. This plugin has a search engine for its database and lists all possible related answers to a specified query (which is given to this engine). every result has a relevance percentage, helping us to choose the best possible answer, regarding our searched keyword. In the other hand, assume that I have received some errors in the output panel when I press Ctrl+F9. It is possible to read compiler errors and they help me very much. But in some cases I need more help regarding to every error code. This HTML help can help me when I press F1 in an active error line (in the ouput window). Assume that this help and documentation system is fitted to CodeBlocks. 

Now the question:
For Windows OS, Is there any help system like as what I mentioned above?  Any special help system which is fitted for CodeBlocks? or potentially can be fitted by some efforts?

I want to say again, many thanks to the developer team for their effot. Frankly, I have tested many open source IDE's. some of them requires special privileges for installation and this is forbidden in a LAN such as our LAN in university. CodeBlocks needs minimum privileges to install and minimum size and other valuable charactristics. I have some other powerfull commercial IDE's but I like CodeBlocks and use it in my USB flash drive. Thanks again and please accept my apology for poor english writting.

Offline Ceniza

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Re: Is is possble to include C++ language help fies in CodeBlocks?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2008, 06:16:58 pm »
I'm aware some IDEs use a help system like that. They simply integrate all the topics in a single place, and they usually do it thru HTML pages possibly packaged in another format. They even connect to the Internet to query for extra results. The Help Plugin doesn't do that (I guess you know that already), and I don't know about any implementation of such a system freely available and easily integrable into the IDE.

Offline JGM

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Re: Is is possble to include C++ language help fies in CodeBlocks?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2008, 11:55:35 pm »
the best is to use chm files, well made chm files have table of content, index, and search. Like the wxWidgets chm documentation, that's why I choose wxWidgets as my GUI library and php for web development, that's what make them so popular and accessible also  :), you can also make your chm files from a collection of html files using the MS tool.

So with the help plugin you create a shortcut to open that documentation on a separate window that doesn't disturb your code editor better than having everything on the same window (IMHO). For linux we have kchmviewer a great tool, but what we still need is a tool to generate chm files on linux.

PDF are also good but I prefer chm files, they are more fast to navigate than pdf files. :wink: