I am new to Codeblocks and this is my first try to convert an existing project with 7 source files to codeblocks
The first run with WinAVR gives me the following lines:
avr-gcc.exe -Wall -mmcu= -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=at90can128 -Wall -g -c ..\..\CAN-Adapter\CANUSB-Adapter\Firmware\CAN2USB_Konverter.c -o obj\Debug\CAN-Adapter\CANUSB-Adapter\Firmware\CAN2USB_Konverter.o
cc1.exe: error: missing argument to "-mmcu="
AT first, I thought I have forgotten to hook one of the target -µC, but after hooking the AT90CAN128, I always get this empty -mmcu .... - and I can't find the reason.