I run Windows Vista.
I run C::B on Vista, too - all the day. I still cannot reproduce even with the "file" you gave me.
Please do the following:
- Get rid of *all* C::B installation files, including the settings folder under
Users\[YOU]\AppData\Roaming\codeblocks (IIRC).
- Remove any additional MinGw compiler you probably have (you may want to do a backup before).
- Install the "
grab-it-while-its-hot" C::B
release version 08.02 -> the bundle setup that ships with a 100% Vista compatible compiler (the on I use daily... ;-)).
- Install to a folder without spaces (although this is not really required anymore... but thirdparty libs/apps you use might get a hick-up otherwise...).
- Check the configuration of C::B after launching, especially the following parts:
- compiler plugin: is the tool chain setup correctly (pointing to the MinGW sub-folder of the *new* C::B?)
- Settings -> Environment -> "General settings" -> is the checkbox "Check and set file assocs" enabled?
- Settings -> Environment -> "General settings" -> Click on "Manage" -> Are the C/C++ file extensions registered properly (are they active???)
This really should work then.