Author Topic: Font Rendering problem with FixedSys  (Read 3296 times)


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Font Rendering problem with FixedSys
« on: March 16, 2008, 04:41:46 pm »

I am trying to use the font 'FixedSys' within Code::Blocks. I downloaded the font file from

but when I set this as the editor font, some characters render incorrectly. The letter combination 'Ap' renders as what looks like a kanji character. This only happens with 12-pt text size. I presume that at 12-point the bit-representation of the font is used, and other point sizes the characters are generated from character outlines.

The 'default encoding when opening files' is set to UTF-8.

Can someone please advise what might be going wrong? I use this font in gnome-terminal without any problems, so I am guessing that there is an error in the way that code::blocks interprets bit-representations from within font files.

Patrick Byrne


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Re: Font Rendering problem with FixedSys
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 04:55:28 pm »
Exactly the same behaviour occurs in firefox.

Also, this is in Ubuntu Linux.