Author Topic: wants to use Code::Blocks Studio, but needs help on basics  (Read 6905 times)


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Hello!  I am one of the people who created, and we are going to be giving our product to a publisher in a couple weeks or less, but we want to get code:blocks studio working with our tutorials.  I have visual studio installed, but I downloaded the visual studio tool kit 2003 to see if people can use that for our tutorials.  I chose that as my compiler, but when I compile and run the program it opens a dos window with this message:

'C:\Documents' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

It doesn't run the program...  What is going on?  Also, I have to take out the line from my visual studio projects:
AdditionalDependencies="odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib"

otherwise it won't compile.  Are those necessary ever?  maybe for win32?  Any help would be appreciated!

Offline rickg22

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OK, first of all:

In Code::Blocks, go to the settings menu, then choose "Compiler". There's a tab saying "Other".

Under that there's a label: "Compiler logging:". Click on it and select "Full command line".

Now, click on "OK" and Rebuild the program (Ctrl-F11). Paste here the compiler's log (it's in the message pane, under the tab "Compiler" (note to self: Change the name to "Compiler log" for next version).

Also, please give us the full pathname of the program you're trying to run (there are some caveats in MSVC compiing, like non-installed libraries, etc... we're currently working on it).

Finally, what program are you trying to compile? An imported workspace/project from MSVC? A "new project" from template?

Then we can see what's going on. Oh, if you have a MSN account, i'm also available via MSN chat.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2005, 11:03:59 pm by rickg22 »

Offline Ceniza

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That sounds more like a problem with the spaces in C:\Documents and settings\ to me.

digiben: Move or copy your project to a spaces-less directory and try to run it from there thru Code::Blocks. If it runs come back and blame it :)


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Yah, the problem it turns out is that parenthesis screw it up.  If you have a parethesis in the path it doesn't work.  Spaces are ok.