Author Topic: debugging with msp430-gdb?  (Read 21740 times)

Offline jumafra

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debugging with msp430-gdb?
« on: October 28, 2007, 03:11:12 pm »
Hello ppl.
I'm trying to use msp430-gdb via msp430-gdbproxy to debug a small project in code::blocks, but it seems to be based on a rather old version of gdb (5.1). Is there a way to get it to work?
The command line calling the executable seems to give an unrecognized parameter -args, so if it were possible to suppress it maybe it could work.. Or are there any issues why it wouldn't work with current debugger plugin?
Currently using C::B rev 4491 under WinXP SP2
Thanks in advance


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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2007, 06:43:36 pm »
Hi jumafra,

where did you download the msp430 version? I have added the msp430 compiler to codeblocks and tested it with msp430-gdbproxy and the insight debugger (because when I made the changes the remote debugging in CB has not been so advanced as right now). Until now I did not have time to make a complete toolchain with installer, so perhaps you can attach your CB project and then I can have a closer look at it.


Offline jumafra

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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2007, 10:49:15 am »
Hi Mariocup.
Quote from: mariocup
where did you download the msp430 version?
I just grabbed the latest mspgcc release on sourceforge.
I kind of made a sort of a template for the toolchain in C::B.. well not really a template, just a project with some defines, and it has worked ok so far. Projects compile and link correctly. Only thing I don't know how to make work is the msp430-gdb inside C::B, and I'm not too familiar with debugging with gdb with command line

Offline jumafra

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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 01:11:57 pm »
I just noticed that the latest revisions include setting for msp430 compiler, but they are different from what mspgcc toolchain expects. For instance, selecting a target device in the compiler settings adds -mcpu=target to the command line when mspgcc expects -mmcu=target. Is there any other gcc port for the msp430 mcus for which this settings are intended?
I also noticed that the program executable for the debugger is msp430-insight.exe instead of msp430-gdb.exe, but all references I found for that debugger seem outdated.


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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 03:45:41 pm »
Hi jumafra,

we made some modifications of the msp430 compiler and also to the insight debugger. I added supported for msp430 compiler in CB and tested the mspgcc version with some examples and everything works fine. If you like I can send you the msp430 examples as codeblocks projects. As the mspgcc version uses cygwin, I want to switch to a cross build version for linux and mingw for windows. As soon I have some time I will make also an installer for the version.

Offline jumafra

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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 05:01:03 pm »
Hi Maricup.
Right now I can build msp430 projects inside Code::Blocks using the mspgcc toolchain, what I'm missing is the debugging part

Quote from: mariocup
we made some modifications of the msp430 compiler and also to the insight debugger.

would it be possible to obtain such modified versions?

On another subject, is there anyone who could provide a modified version of the debugger pluggin (debugger.dll ?) with gdb_driver.cpp modified so that command line does not include " -args" switch? I cannot build it myself because I don't have xwWidgets installed.


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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2007, 10:37:47 pm »
would it be possible to obtain such modified versions?

Yes I will but the modified version on our ftp server (next week) and send you the link. Hope to have soon time to send the patches to the mspgcc community.

Offline jumafra

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Re: debugging with msp430-gdb?
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2007, 02:13:23 am »
Hi Mariocup.
Thanks a lot. I'll look forward to it. Next week is great because I'll be out for the weekend.