Author Topic: Bizarre compilation problem  (Read 3742 times)

Offline johne53

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Bizarre compilation problem
« on: August 22, 2007, 04:58:27 pm »
I'm building a workspace that will ultimately build about a dozen or so Linux shared objects (dynamic libraries).

Up until this morning, I'd added the code for four of the project branches. Three of them were C++ projects (using the g++ compiler) and one was a C project (using gcc).

This morning I added a fifth project which was also a C++ project. Since adding this fifth project, none of the C++ branches will compile properly. If I activate a particular branch and select 'Rebuild (CTRL+F11)' only the first source file (for that particular branch) gets compiled - then I get a message saying "g++ no input files. Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes 0 seconds)". The (one & only) 'C' branch still compiles correctly.

I've tried re-booting in case g++ had somehow got itself locked up but it's no different. Has anyone else ever seen a problem like this???

Offline johne53

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Re: Bizarre compilation problem
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 11:19:21 am »
I found the answer to this problem. The extra project that I added required me to add a new directory under Settings->Compiler and debugger->Search directories. The various folders were separated (as usual) by forward slashes. Unfortunately, when typing in the folder path I'd accidentally typed a single quotation mark ( ' ) instead of one of the forward slashes.