// EDIT:
After using your version of C::B all seams to be ok
Very nice plugin
And I've noticed one problem: why after compilation od one .cpp file plugin increment build count by 2 or 3?
I don't understand clearly what you mean but:
This variable is for keeping track of all the compilations that we do while working, Is just for our eyes to know how many work we have done, I just thought it will be a nice feature (also for our work reports

). But the revision and build (not build_count) increments only when a file had been modified. If you put the mouse pointer on each textbox it shows the scheme that I implemented.
The scheme is the following:
- Revision increments by a random number up to 10 every time a modification is made.
- Build number increments when revision increments by 1.
If auto increment is marked:
- Minor is incremented by 1 each time the build number reach a barrier of 100 and reset to 0 on 10.
- Major is incremented by 1 each time the minor reach 10.
if dates is marked:
- Generates variables with the current date of compilation.
if svn marked:
- search in the directory selected for revision number and date and generates the appropriate variables.
I'm thinking of implementing another window for customizing the current scheme but i will work on this later.