I found a bug in the 1st May nightly build,
I use the Ubuntu 6xx package.
If you enter an program argument (with the menu Project -> Set Program' argument) and press run, the shell return :
sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Press ENTER to continue.
It is because there is a quote at the end for the xterm command :
Checking for existence: /home/michael/Projects/OpenCvTest/bin/Debug/OpenCvTest
Executing: xterm -T 'OpenCvTest' -e'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/bin/cb_console_runner "/home/michael/Projects/OpenCvTest/bin/Debug/OpenCvTest" Capture_00001.jpg' (in /home/michael/Projects/OpenCvTest/.)
I solved it by adding a quote at the end of my argument but it's a bit dirty.
By the way, i'm a big fan of code::blocks, and you do a great job.