(:-B) It's been done! YEAH!
This bothers me:
Sombody is very loud, less humble and has succes to change less important things with a few posts. Others,
who have friendly asked for improvements like w2k-debugging, better codecompletion and correction of many other bugs may wait...
Instead of being bothered you should first understand what happened:
Some other developer, not part of our team, kindly provided a
patch directly to that guy who keeps shouting for no apparent reason. This means that the user now has to apply the patch to our sources and build C::B for himself as we haven't incorporated the said patch in our repository (and we probably will not do so).
That's what he means by "it's been done".
Now, if you still want to be bothered about this, feel free to do so. This is open source. Various patches exist all over the place. Others make it into our repository, while others don't. You will just have to live with that fact.