please cut and paste them into your CB, run the console program and then give the "Debugger(debug)" output to me.
I've put two debugging statements in to try and identify the problem with the missing sleep parameter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int DebuggerGDB::RunNixConsole()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// start the xterm and put the shell to sleep with -e sleep 80000
// fetch the xterm tty so we can issue to gdb a "tty /dev/pts/#"
// redirecting program stdin/stdout/stderr to the xterm console.
#ifndef __WXMSW__
wxString cmd;
wxString title = wxT("Program Console");
m_nConsolePid = 0;
// for non-win platforms, use m_ConsoleTerm to run the console app
wxString term = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->Read(_T("/console_terminal"), DEFAULT_CONSOLE_TERM);
//term.Replace(_T("$TITLE"), _T("'") + _T("*nixConsole") + _T("'"));
term.Replace(_T("$TITLE"), _T("'") + title + _T("'"));
cmd << term << _T(" ");
cmd << wxT("sleep ");
cmd << 80000 + ::wxGetProcessId(); //make a unique sleep command
wxString sleepPid; sleepPid << 80000 + ::wxGetProcessId();
DebugLog(wxString::Format(wxT("RunNixConsole.SleepPid_1 is[%s]"),sleepPid.c_str() ));
sleepPid = wxString::Format(wxT("%d"),80000+ ::wxGetProcessId());
DebugLog(wxString::Format(wxT("RunNixConsole.SleepPid_2 is[%s]"),sleepPid.c_str() ));
//Manager::Get()->GetMessageManager()->Log(m_PageIndex, _("Executing: %s"), cmd.c_str() );
DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("Executing: %s"), cmd.c_str()) );
//start xterm -e sleep {some unique # of seconds}
m_nConsolePid = wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC);
if (m_nConsolePid <= 0) return -1;
// Issue the PS command to get the /dev/tty device name
// First, wait for the xterm to settle down, else PS won't see the sleep task
m_ConsoleTty = GetConsoleTty(m_nConsolePid);
if (not m_ConsoleTty.IsEmpty() )
{ // show what we found as tty
return m_nConsolePid;
// failed to find the console tty
DebugLog( wxT("Console Execution error:failed to find console tty."));
if (m_nConsolePid != 0)::wxKill(m_nConsolePid);
m_nConsolePid = 0;
#endif//ndef __WWXMSW__
return -1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString DebuggerGDB::GetConsoleTty(int ConsolePid)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// execute the ps x -o command and read PS output to get the /dev/tty field
unsigned long ConsPid = ConsolePid;
wxString psCmd;
wxArrayString psOutput;
wxArrayString psErrors;
psCmd << wxT("ps x -o tty,pid,command");
DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("Executing: %s"), psCmd.c_str()) );
int result = wxExecute(psCmd, psOutput, psErrors, wxEXEC_SYNC);
if (result != 0)
{ psCmd << wxT("Result of ps x:") << result;
DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("Execution Error:"), psCmd.c_str()) );
return wxEmptyString;
wxString ConsTtyStr;
wxString ConsPidStr;
ConsPidStr << ConsPid;
//find task with our unique sleep time
wxString uniqueSleepTimeStr;
uniqueSleepTimeStr << wxT("sleep ") << 80000 + ::wxGetProcessId();
// search the output of "ps pid" command
int knt = psOutput.GetCount();
for (int i=knt-1; i>-1; --i)
{ psCmd = psOutput.Item(i);
DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("PS result: %s"), psCmd.c_str()) );
// find the pts/# or tty/# or whatever it's called
// by seaching the output of "ps x -o tty,pid,command" command.
// The output of ps looks like:
// pts/0 13342 /bin/sh ./
// pts/0 13343 /home/pecan/devel/trunk/src/devel/codeblocks
// pts/0 13361 /usr/bin/gdb -nx -fullname -quiet -args ./conio
// pts/0 13362 xterm -font -*-*-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -T Program Console -e sleep 93343
// pts/2 13363 sleep 93343
// ? 13365 /home/pecan/proj/conio/conio
// pts/1 13370 ps x -o tty,pid,command
if (psCmd.Contains(uniqueSleepTimeStr))
{ // check for correct "sleep" line
if (psCmd.Contains(wxT("-T"))) break; //error;wrong sleep line.
// found "sleep 93343" string, extract tty field
ConsTtyStr = wxT("/dev/") + psCmd.BeforeFirst(' ');
DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("TTY is[%s]"), ConsTtyStr.c_str()) );
return ConsTtyStr;
}while(0);//if do
knt = psErrors.GetCount();
for (int i=0; i<knt; ++i)
DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("PS Error:%s"), psErrors.Item(i).c_str()) );
return wxEmptyString;