Hello, first message from me,
It's about multiple makefiles in one project. So let me introduce the project structure :
| - product
| - inc
| a.h
| b.h
| - mkgen
| makefile
| - productA
| - inc
| a-c.h
| a-d.h
| - mkgen
| makefile
| - src
| - stuffA1
| - src
| stuffA1.c
| - inc
| stuffA1.h
| - mkgen
| makefile
| - stuffA2
| - stuffA3
| - productB
| - inc
| - src
| - mkgen
| - productC
I have diffrent level of makefile in the project. So if i change only StuffA1, i want to make the makefile in StuffA1 directory. And if i change different class and file, i will make the makefile at the top of the structure.
Then all my makefile are written in the same way :
target all, debug, clean, prepare
Then if i want to compile StuffA1 only, i right click on the file in the left tree of C::B, then Compile. But in my makefiles, the path are related to the make file (e.g. : cd /product/productA/mkgen, make all)
So these are my questions:
1 : How can i manage all those makefiles in my project with C::B ?
2 : How can i manage to have the correct path (makefile path) when i build one file ?
Thank for your attention and don't hesitate to ask details if you have to.