Author Topic: The 04 december 2006 build is out.  (Read 36174 times)


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Re: The 04 december 2006 build is out.
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2006, 09:14:17 pm »
Maybe there's something wrong with my system... ( XP SP2 )
And it was a mistake, I should compile *.cpp. But haven't switched to it. And that message box... I thought that when you try to compile *.hpp there comes out a message box, but it does not.. sorry.
Well... I don't know what a minimalistic project is, so I can't reply on this one.

BTW: It crashed again when I was trying to get that message box when pressing Ctrl-Shift-F9 when *.hpp file active.

And sorry but I'm going to bed. Thank you very much for interest Morten.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 09:15:54 pm by mscava »


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Re: The 04 december 2006 build is out.
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2006, 10:33:18 pm »
With Code::Blocks (3 december 2006 SVN) + Kubuntu Edgy :
When saving a file on a FAT32 system i get an error "failed to set temporary file permissions : Not allowed operation" (but the file is saved correctly). i have this error since i use the nightly builds (maybe 1 month ago ?).

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