Author Topic: OpenCV compiling problem  (Read 2575 times)

Offline djf232

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OpenCV compiling problem
« on: April 14, 2016, 08:32:08 pm »
I am trying to run a basic OpenCV program in codeblocks and I am trying to use the core.hpp library but it keeps saying it can't find it. I am including #include </opencv2/core/core.hpp> in the program but it isn't working. But when I type #include <core.hpp> it can find core.hpp, but since core.hpp itself calls other .hpp files in the same way I still get errors. The relative path to /opencv2/ is included in the build options, search directories, compiler. But for some reason it can't find it. How do I configure codeblocks to find core.hpp even if I write the include as #include </opencv2/core/core.hpp>?