Author Topic: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies  (Read 8088 times)


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Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« on: August 24, 2006, 09:33:06 am »
Hi to CB developers and users,

I want to make a suggestion. I don't know how to do it! I just started to learn C++. Although CB works more than one OS, compiler, API and toolkit etc, I think it would be very helpful if somebody can build a complete development environment installer ready to write programs like wxPack. I suggest a CodeBlocks nightly build + mingw 3.4.5 + wxWidgets 2.7 + settings of environment and global variables for windows OS. I recommend using nightly built on first of month. If someone is wanted to try a nightly built that is built later they would just replace nightly files. Considering people spending time to have CB up and running having an installer will make install process shorter and simple. Hopefully this will attract more CB users and tryers.




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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2006, 07:06:26 pm »

I really have to acclaim crescentstar!

I'm just a user (MS spoiled).
Formerly I worked with MS Visual C++ 6.0 and their MFC.
Now I would like to work with wxwidgets and I'm looking for an IDE.

A friend of mine suggested CB, but although I'm trying really hard (searching Forum and Wiki over and over again),
I havn't been able to get CB work with wxwidgets.

I'm willing to learn..., but I need assistance. Like a Step-by-Step-Description on how to get it done (sorry).

Otherwise, to getting started a ready to use enviroment installer, would be a great thing! (IMHO for a lot of people)

Yours respectfully,

Offline mandrav

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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 07:20:50 pm »
Official versions come with an installer. Nightly builds are not. They 're just for getting a glimpse of the current development version.
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...


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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2006, 09:25:21 pm »
I agree with you Mandrav, Nightly Builds are not Release versions, but I think this request comes from the fact that 1.0RC2 is quite old and the features difference between 1.0RC2 and today's night build is just ... horrific !!
Without the will to stress you (you work sooooooo good !! Just keep on going that way !) I would say that when 1.0RC3 will come out, and even when the official 1.0 version will be downloadable, this question will naturally become obsolete !
Do you have any idea of the release date of the RC3 ? Is it that far that you can't give an approximative date ?

Never mind ! I keep on downloading NB every day (Almost ! The gap between 2 NB is sometimes really impressive !), waiting for the RC3 release date.

On the other hand, I've been able to install CB night build, with wxPack and MingW to work all together quite easily, and I'm really a newcomer to C++ developpement world !! If any one wants any help, please say it ! If I can help !

C++ rooky

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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 09:05:18 am »
Is C::B a wxWidgets environment or a C/C++/Etc environment?

It seems adding a wxWidgets binary would be including uneccessary bloat... then you would be expected to include Ogre, Illricht, and whatever other libraries and toolkits you can think of just to make it easier for beginners.  In addition, it is questionable whether a beginner should even use wxWidgets.

I can see including mingw as part of a release, but forcing (possibly obsolete) toolkits on developers could cause problems in the long run.  You may still get an outdated mingw version, but that (hopefully) shouldn't cause as many problems.

I believe wxWidgets offers an msw setup on their website, too, so it isn't that difficult for a newb to install, if they decide they absolutely need it.
3 years until google knows more than god.

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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 02:52:00 pm »
Well I can offer some help. On the website look at the tutorials for some setup help.

wxPack Tutorials

Specificly look at these two tutorials:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2006, 02:08:49 am by RJP Computing »
- Ryan

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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2006, 09:30:13 pm »

A friend of mine suggested CB, but although I'm trying really hard (searching Forum and Wiki over and over again),
I havn't been able to get CB work with wxwidgets.

if you explain your problems, may be we can help you to solve them.

I'm willing to learn..., but I need assistance. Like a Step-by-Step-Description on how to get it done (sorry).

Did you look at the wxWidgets website? Sometime you can find helpful example in searching with google. Moreover, there is always the free wxWidgets book :).

All the best,


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Two Newbies Trying to break free of VC 6.0
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 01:51:10 am »
Here is my situation:  I learned to code using Borland compilers, but switched to Microsoft Visual Studio in college.  Currently I've finished the last project I ever want to do in Visual Studio 6.  The new project that an undergrad and I will be working on is going to be coded using wxWidgets.

I have been able to compile the libraries for wxWidgets using VC6 and mingw.  We have had success getting VC6 to compile some wx projects.  However, using VC6 for wxWidgets makes little sense as it is about as useful to me as VI and a command line compiler.

The dilema:  getting C::B and wxWidgets to play nice on these win2kpro machines.  Thus far we've each spend about 10 hours trying to get this correct.  The last thing we've tried has been to remove C::B, wxwidgets, and  minGW and starting from scratch.

Here's what we've done:
mingw installed, wxwidgets unpacked, wxwidgets compiled as per this wiki set up guide(, installed C::B, and opened a wxwindows project.

I am unsure how much of the project setting or makefile would be useful in this post, but here are some of the project settings:
Project>Build Options>Other Options:
-include "wx_pch.h"

Project>Build Options>Defines:

Project>Build Options>Directories>Compiler

Project>Build Options>Directories>Linker

Project>Build Options>Directories>Resource compiler

Project>Build Options>Custom variables

Now, here is the Build Log we recieve when trying to compile the project:

Compiler  : GNU GCC Compiler (called directly)
Directory : G:\wxCodeBlocksProjs\testProj1\
Switching to target: default
Linking executable: G:\wxCodeBlocksProjs\testProj1\wxWidgets.exe
.objs\main.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN12wxStringBaseC2EPKc[wxStringBase::wxStringBase(char const*)]+0x27): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN12wxStringBase8InitWithEPKcjj'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp:(.text$_Z16wxGetTranslationPKc[wxGetTranslation(char const*)]+0x2c): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK8wxLocale9GetStringEPKcS1_'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5MyApp[vtable for MyApp]+0x68): undefined reference to `wxApp::Initialize(int&, char**)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings

So at this point, we're not exactly sure where to go.  It looks like we're not linking a library that we need to, but we have the following libraries linked (Project Options>Linker>Link libraries:) wxmsw26u, winspool, winmm, shell32, comctl32, ct3d32, odbc32, advapi32, wsock32, opengl32, glu32, ole32, oleaut32, uuid, wxzlib, wxregexu, wxexpat.  I was under the impression that those were the required libraries and then some.

We've decided that these errors are likely due to some small option or method we have overlooked.  If we ever do figure out what the problem is  it will likely make us feel a bit embarassed in that "oh duh!" sort of way.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
Colin & Chris

Offline RJP Computing

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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2006, 02:14:51 am »
Colin and Chris,

Have you tried wxPack? It should take most of your work right out of the build and setup of wxWidgets. Then you can get to the important stuff, programming your application using a great IDE. (Code::Blocks)  :wink:

Try following these two tutorials and see how far you get.

Code::Blocks Nightly Build Setup
Code::Blocks wxWidgets wizard using gcc

Give it a try. You have nothing to loose.
- Ryan

Ubuntu/WinXP, AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 1000MB RAM, AC 97 Audio, ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB

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Re: Two Newbies Trying to break free of VC 6.0
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2006, 02:19:28 am »
It looks like we're not linking a library that we need to, but we have the following libraries linked (Project Options>Linker>Link libraries:) wxmsw26u, winspool, winmm, shell32, comctl32, ct3d32, odbc32, advapi32, wsock32, opengl32, glu32, ole32, oleaut32, uuid, wxzlib, wxregexu, wxexpat. 
Please notice the following:
1.) the order of how the libs are linked is important and matters Thus, if wxzlib requires wxmsw26u it has to come before wxmsw26u.
2.) unless you are really using methos that require to link against wxzlib, wxregex and/or wxexpat don't link against those libs
3.) it seems you are linking againgst the unicode version of wxWidgets (I see this because you stated wxmsw26u. However: You are missing to declare wxUSE_UNICODE in the defines which I would recommend.

With regards, Morten.
Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
C::B Manual:


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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies... saved
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2006, 09:46:40 pm »
#define     YOUGUYS  Michael_RJP.Computing

You pointed us in the right direction.  We think YOUGUYS are swell.  The information we had was old.

Thanks So Much,
Colin & Chris


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Re: Help Dummies, Idiots and Newbies (Widgets on C::B)
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2006, 09:47:31 pm »
The deal is this ....
Coders from other environments are going to say "pifft" if its going to take more than an hour or two to get it together running and try a few sample apps or convert a small test app of their own just to see if they want it or not.
And that goes a long way towards its acceptance.
Otherwise they will just go back to what they are used to rather than take on the perceived obstacle course of ragged learning curve from lack of simple support of installation.

My previous situation I had found a quick MSW page to quickly just get it running to learn it; 1, 2, 3 yippie.
Sadly, I lost it and its dejavue again. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be trying any different build options anytime soon and am reluctant to try anymore nightly builds or upgrading GCC.

You should watch someone new to C::B and Wx try to set it up on MSW for the first time to get a real appreciation for prior knowledge with it.

Thanks for the links everyone.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 10:46:51 pm by vapor »