Author Topic: converting cbeditor to wxnotebook need to have more atention  (Read 17718 times)

Offline frog-o

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converting cbeditor to wxnotebook need to have more atention
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2005, 02:23:56 pm »
Here is also another idea I had you where talking about give the user a black wxframe so the devolper can desinge the ide.  I see you want text and i want xrc why don't we combined them so we can do both.
This is how.......
 In a pluginadd add a fucttion onIntFrame (wxfame *frame) then do ower cunstrution of ower frame.

this would be for xrc


and in text it would be

wxButton * button = new wxButton(Frame,-1).

and like with all other plugin add ower menu item ext....

Offline mandrav

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converting cbeditor to wxnotebook need to have more atention
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2005, 02:28:43 pm »
Here is also another idea I had you where talking about give the user a black wxframe so the devolper can desinge the ide.

I 'm not talking about a developer changing the IDE. I 'm talking about the developer/programmer using the IDE to be able to customize it at will...

I 'm not talking about you or me wanting to change the looks of it. I 'm talking about the average user that downloaded C::B and uses it, not programming for it.

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Offline frog-o

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converting cbeditor to wxnotebook need to have more atention
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2005, 03:47:14 pm »
mandrav Please heare me out this is a little complicated.....

I going to  have to do some research but like i was try to say

I bealive it can be flexable at runtime

 That is what i was getting at when i said


There are many comands for wxwindow that can also help like wxWindow::Reparent. There are way to make the window disappare and repaire also you can read about it somewhere in the wxwindow doc. I play around with this a bit.

if this is not enoph you can also call SetSizer on mainframe wich with wxWindow::GetChildren() do pratly do any thing at runtime with xrc.

I want to say again that i would have to do research on exatical what i doing.  As far a plugin need to know much about the app and  the app need to know about the plugin.  They don't need two.  calling update on mainframe tell every window to repaint ect.

I might not yet understand you.  So i want to give you a basic of my code i want to implement.  My code would speek beter then me.

On mainframe constuter I was going to have a fucttion that load a plugin witch would call OnCreateFrame.  The OnCreateFrame fuction would be responsibel for frame constrution.
So the plugin fuction would look something like this

void OnCreateFrame(wxFrame *Frame)
wxNoteBook* Test = new wxNotebook(this,-1)

this exact same plugin would contane another fuction called

void DoUpdateLayout(wxframe *Frame)
// this would be everrything in the DoUpdateLayout fuction

as you can see very little cange in your code but know i can use it buy changeing

void OnCreateFrame(wxFrame *Frame)
wxNoteBook* Test = new wxNotebook(this,-1)


void OnCreateFrame(wxFrame *Frame)


void DoUpdateLayout(wxframe *Frame)
wxList ChildList = Frame->getchild();
//dose all sizeing isues at runtime.

Then we can real easly change the look of the ide(like you would with teams) buy changeing plugin.