Author Topic: Various bugs and comment about nightly 2729  (Read 25485 times)

Offline mandrav

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Re: Various bugs and comment about nightly 2729
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2006, 09:10:30 am »
As in other editors, when you click the "New file" button, you get an "Untitled" file, you write something, and you can discard it without having to create a file. This happens a lot, and if you want to save, you usually click the Save button.
It happens to be very uncomfortable when you only want to paste a piece of text, because you need to specify where to save and then later after you're done, delete that file.

The only problem left with this new behaviour is Syntax highlighting, but as the user can do Edit->Highlighting mode (which is far less annoying than create a file and then having to delete it), it shouldn't be a problem.

You 're right, this has been bugging me too.
Fortunately, the fix was easier than expected so it's implemented like this now ;)
The only side-effect is that the user is no longer asked to add the new file to the active project, since no new file really exists yet. But, I guess, this is no issue.

2) In the new "context-menu" for new files, I suggest putting the "Empty file" at the top of the menu.

Correct again. I don't know why I put it last...
Oh, and I assigned Ctrl-Shift-N again for "empty file" (down to 0 clicks now ;) ).
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...

Offline Ceniza

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Re: Various bugs and comment about nightly 2729
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2006, 10:07:52 am »
Ctrl-Shift-N \o/

Thanks Don :)

Offline killerbot

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Re: Various bugs and comment about nightly 2729
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2006, 10:18:25 am »
can we add the following as context menu when you right click in editor  : add to (the active) project. Then after the fast new file, if one decides it should be part of the project, you can add this way.

Or add to project and choose from the list that can be presented (in menu or dialog) ...

Offline Pecan

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Re: Various bugs and comment about nightly 2729
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2006, 12:52:25 pm »
Oh, and I assigned Ctrl-Shift-N again for "empty file" (down to 0 clicks now ;) ).

This has turned out to be "plain ol' Excellent !"

I'm constantly snipping (stealing?) multiple pieces of code out of CodeBlocks and elsewhere to sandwich with another idea. (Billy G calls this inovation  :))

Having this temporary place (new/empty file) within CB to paste/save|delete|whatever is fast, convenient,pleasing to use, and just plain excellent.



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Re: Various bugs and comment about nightly 2729
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2006, 02:42:21 pm »
Awesome. :D Thanks again. :)  8)