Author Topic: About the massive Wiki update  (Read 5328 times)

Offline artoj

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About the massive Wiki update
« on: July 09, 2006, 11:48:54 am »
Yannis and I talked about this via private message but I think it's important to add topic to the forums too.

So what happened?

On friday I was going through the Wiki. Just reading the articles. However, after reading some of them I came to a conclusion that the Wiki needs are full rewrite for the RC3 release. I first added information about the plugins because I think people need more information about them in general and guides how to use them (if they're complex). See Code::Blocks Plugins.

Next I started some major reorganization. I "removed"* majority of the old categories and created two main categories: User Documentation and Developer Documentation.

Installation documentation was next. I "deleted"* majority of it. The reason was that there was 3 different articles discussing about installing Code::Blocks from source on Windows alone. The documentation is now split into three procedures: installing latest official version, installing nightly build and installing from source. See Installing Code::Blocks.

I moved several articles to the Deletion requests. I honestly don't think the articles belong to the Code::Blocks Wiki. Of course I know it isn't my decision what belongs to the Wiki and what doesn't. But in my book, the Wiki is primarily for documentation about Code::Blocks.

On saturday evening (my local time) the reorganization was pretty much over. I finally added description about the event in the Current Events page and updated the main page.

I'm sorry if my edits/removals have offended someone. Please understand that I edited the Wiki because of the Code::Blocks project, not to put someone else's work down. I'm also sorry about that I didn't inform the developers before doing a major update.

Am I going to stop editing the Wiki? Of course not. The RC3 release is close and the Wiki still needs updating, wikifying, new categories, new templates and new articles.

Now that this thing is settled, let's get back to work.


* When I say deleted/removed this isn't the case. The articles still exist in the Wiki so don't panic.

Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: About the massive Wiki update
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 08:07:44 am »
Dear artoj,

I've had a look into th "new" WiKi. I think you've done a good job. I found the articles I was looking for much faster than before. I've just a simple note to add: On the page There are the topics "Compilers" and "Integration" which I believe deserve a common topic. All of these articles describe how to attach another compiler framework within Code::Blocks. Some of them require to adjust an exisiting compiler only (where C::B has native support) and some of them require to create a copy of an existing compiler and adjust the settings. I'm not sure what a good common title would be, maybe "Integrating misc. other compilers with C::B" or similar, anyway: I believe to split these article into 2 topics is confusing. How do you think?
With regards, Morten.
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C::B Manual:

Offline artoj

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Re: About the massive Wiki update
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2006, 10:50:10 am »
I've had a look into th "new" WiKi. I think you've done a good job. I found the articles I was looking for much faster than before.

Good, that means we're heading in the right direction. :)

I've just a simple note to add: On the page There are the topics "Compilers" and "Integration" which I believe deserve a common topic. All of these articles describe how to attach another compiler framework within Code::Blocks. Some of them require to adjust an exisiting compiler only (where C::B has native support) and some of them require to create a copy of an existing compiler and adjust the settings. I'm not sure what a good common title would be, maybe "Integrating misc. other compilers with C::B" or similar, anyway: I believe to split these article into 2 topics is confusing. How do you think?

Yep, the integration articles are now under Compilers.

The titles have a wide range now because there aren't many articles in the Wiki. When / if we start having more and more articles, we'll start creating sub categories / titles.
