First to the OP. Choose 'run' from the start menu and enter "SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe" and edit your environment variables. At the beginning of your PATH variable add:
And then make sure you create a new variable named GCC_ROOT_PATH and set it to your mingw root directory. Likely to be one of:
c:\program files\codeblocks\mingw
This will make sure that the gcc helper executables (cc1.exe,cc1plus.exe,collect.exe) are available to the system.
That out of the way:
* Are you running Windows Vista?
* If so, are you using a version of MinGW/GCC without the Vista fix? (The version bundled with C::B 8.02 includes the Vista fix.)
* If not, did you install MinGW yourself and forget the g++ package?
I am also attempting to get C::B/mingw working on a Vista system. I manually installed mingw using all the patch2 files from Specifically I downloaded each of:
and unzipped them to c:\dev\mingw. I am under the assumption (after reading the update log you posted at the site) that all packages listed contain the latest vista fixes. At this point the compiler works fine but I fail at linking with:
Compiling: main.cpp
Linking console executable: bin\Release\blah.exe
ld: crt2.o: No such file: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
return 0;
To my knowledge that file should be visible to the environment.
Compiler Search Directories:
Linker Search Directories:
the file in question is located at C:\dev\MinGW\lib\crt2.o which is inside the first entry in my linker search dirs. I am a bit confused about what could be causing the problem and after reading thru the few entries i could locate on the forums (searching for crt2.0) and even googling (which had some links to DevC++ people with same problem) the only advice I found included adding paths that i've already got set.
When originally (quite awhile back) setting this up to work on my WinXP system I remember adding %GCC_ROOT_PATH%\mingw32\bin to my path in addition to just /bin, but looking at the directory layout on vista all files in mingw32/bin are already located in /bin so I dont see that as possibly helping.
Any suggestions? Any additional faqs/resources i should browse? I've already read and even updated it (it forgot one entry for compiler includes) and Im now officially out of options.
On a side note, on a friends vista system shortly after the 8.02 release I did get C::B installed using the prepackaged mingw and the only setup i remember doing there to get it to work was the environment variables and search directories. Any chance that last nights vista automatic updates broke vistas compatibility with mingw?