Sure I can and I know it is difficult to go back to the rc2 after having seen all those features :
I have a project that links SDL_ttf,SDL,opengl,fmod.When I push F9,cb says to me that nothing has been built yet so I build it.There is no error.I can see it in the windows explorer but the executable suddenly disappears 1 second later as if it was suppressed by cb.
I have windows XP sp2 with an AMD 1500+
If you need other precisions,just tell me .
Best regards
Ps: Sorry for my poor English.I wish it would be correct :$
Ps2: Are virtual directories suc a complicated feature that we have to wait until the 1.5 ? because it's very annoying not to have it
ps3: that's all
ps4: good week-end ^^