Author Topic: Purposing new page within the website for compiling  (Read 6017 times)


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The problem is that it is difficult to get to the nessary pages that have information on compiling codeblocks

I think it would be very useful if the information regarding how to compile codeblocks was outlined on a seperate page of and not inside a post or deep withini wiki. Also I think there should be a link on the homepage of directly to this information.

if you would like, I can write out the instructions on how to compile as it needs to be a little more specific
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 02:12:31 pm by cprgmswr2 »

Offline Michael

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Re: Purposing new page within the website for compiling
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2006, 02:24:56 pm »
The problem is that it is difficult to get to the nessary pages that have information on compiling codeblocks

I think it would be very useful if the information regarding how to compile codeblocks was outlined on a seperate page of and not inside a post or deep withini wiki. Also I think there should be a link on the homepage of directly to this information.

The is well organized and you can get the info you need by visiting the Information section (FAQ, wiki, and so on). Personally, I think that each newbie should take the time to have look at the Information section, at least to know which kind of info is available.

The instructions on how to build C::B are IMHO easily available in the wiki. Just click on the wiki link and you will get a lot of useful information :).

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Re: Purposing new page within the website for compiling
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2006, 02:37:55 pm »
I found the information on wiki after searching around for a while, the problem is that I and I am sure others have done this have gone

    Wiki -> installation\Build instructions -> Building from source

And then the liniks on that page are just links to other areas on the page and none of the information is on compiling from source.

And you have seperate links for compiling wxWidgets from compiling codeblocks itself... and compiling wxWigdets is needed before you can compile codeblocks itself

Correct me if I am wrong, but the ability to re-compile codeblocks from source is the next important thing to that of downloading, installing and help on codeblocks.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 02:39:54 pm by cprgmswr2 »

Offline Michael

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Re: Purposing new page within the website for compiling
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 02:52:00 pm »
I found the information on wiki after searching around for a while, the problem is that I and I am sure others have done this have gone

    Wiki -> installation\Build instructions -> Building from source

To find the info I usually click on wiki-->Installation\Build Instructions-->Compile Code::Blocks in ****

Anyway, the wiki is not yet finished and I think that help is welcome. If you have some good ideas and want to contribute, then please do it :).

Correct me if I am wrong, but the ability to re-compile codeblocks from source is the next important thing to that of downloading, installing and help on codeblocks.

Yes, I agree with you :).

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Re: Purposing new page within the website for compiling
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2006, 03:30:34 pm »
Sethjackson has put many hours into re-categorising and re-organising the WiKi recently, and I think he did an excellent job, too.

Everything remotely related to installing Code::Blocks on any platform is available with one click from the front page, the "installation for beginners" is directly below that, and "building from source" is the next point. It is about the first thing that catches your eye when you go to that site.

Sorry, but what is so complicated about that? :lol:

Furthermore, because we experienced that many users do not seem to look at the WiKi at all, there are build instructions for Windows on the forum, too. They live in a separate sub-forum called Code::Blocks SVN (in-development version) which is even shaded in a different colour.

Regarding your question about the main page, it is rather unlikely that we will do anything on that now. We are still busy on doing a total (not only graphical, but also technical) redesign of the website, as the current system has several shortcomings which are a lot more severe.
However, the amount of things we can do at one time (programming, bugfixing, support questions, web design, artwork,  releases) is naturally limited. Most people have to work for their living, and we only have two developers who can afford the luxury of working on Code::Blocks fulltime. Therefore, such things take a while to be implemented ;)

A WiKi is a mighty fine thing. It allows all members in the community to contribute (even someone who only has 15 minutes per day), and thanks to Seth, the WiKi is really well organised now, too. This should absolutely be the place to go to find information.
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Offline Pecan

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Re: Purposing new page within the website for compiling
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2006, 03:33:32 pm »
I found the information on wiki after searching around for a while, the problem is that I and I am sure others have done this have gone

    Wiki -> installation\Build instructions -> Building from source

And then the liniks on that page are just links to other areas on the page and none of the information is on compiling from source.

And you have seperate links for compiling wxWidgets from compiling codeblocks itself... and compiling wxWigdets is needed before you can compile codeblocks itself

Correct me if I am wrong, but the ability to re-compile codeblocks from source is the next important thing to that of downloading, installing and help on codeblocks.

I agree whole heartedly that attempting to find information on compiling CodeBlocks is getting harder and harder to find.

Each time I've tried to obtain a url to post an answer, I end up at a dead wiki link.
If a newbie did the same, I think s/he is being logical to surmise that there are yet no instructions on compiling.

Some of us spent hours (yes hours) working on that wiki, only to find our work is in dead link hell. Why did the info have to be "dead-linked" just to update the wiki. Wouldn't it have been more couteous to add a new link?

sorry for the rant
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 03:39:13 pm by Pecan »


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Re: Purposing new page within the website for compiling
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2006, 04:00:05 pm »
I have done some researching for school into the development of websites... and I know how websites should be designed. If someone can provide me with the nessary tools, I will redesign so that everyone can find the information alot better on this site.

I am not tring to be rude here but I am just tring to help out and this is what I think:

Even if the information is avaible on wiki, it is still not easily known to navigate to wiki to find information on recompile the source to codeblocks. I am saying that it would be better if there was a link under:

  Development snapshots are also available, one each night (try them, they 're pretty stable and unbelievably feature-rich!).

This link would direct a user to the developer page or mabye even wiki and then on wiki have a direct link to compiling codeblocks.

Note: I relize there is a link to a list of articles on compiling codeblocks; however, the very first link is very misleading since it appears incomplete. This gives the user the impression that the information on how to compile codeblocks doesn't exist yet.

Most users don't like to sit and learn an entire site before they can find the information they would like to know. You can have a very nicely organized site and a lot of work put into it, but it only takes one or two confusing elements to through off the user and frustrate them.

It would even be helpful to put a direct link on the home page of the wiki site directly to the page with information on how to compile codeblocks and that information should be all contained witin one page
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 04:12:38 pm by cprgmswr2 »