Author Topic: The 25 march 2006 SPECIAL wx 2.6.3 build is out.  (Read 25537 times)

Offline Michael

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Re: The 25 march 2006 SPECIAL wx 2.6.3 build is out.
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2006, 08:09:44 pm »
Wow, it's so buggy!!!

no, C::B under wx 2.6.3 is buggy!


Well, it is not really useful to say it is so buggy, which IMO it is not. If you find some bugs, then check if they are not already posted on BerliOS. If not post them on BerliOS and eventually on the forum.

Please also note that it is since the release of wxWidgets 2.6.3-RC1 that I am using 2.6.3 without problems, except the already known layout problem(s).

Best wishes,


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Re: The 25 march 2006 SPECIAL wx 2.6.3 build is out.
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2006, 05:35:44 pm »
nightly builds don't run on win9x, but somewhere this week I will create a new ansi build.

That would be realy good. I need a new one for OGRE. Isn't there an older Nightly build for Win9x already ?

And hopefully I have some spare time soon, to work on the libunicows.

What are libunicows ?


Offline Michael

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Re: The 25 march 2006 SPECIAL wx 2.6.3 build is out.
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 06:00:15 pm »
What are libunicows ?

You can find the answer here :).

Best wishes,