I continue to test this compiler on Linux. It seems "enougth stable" same with V2 always in work on GitHub :
https://github.com/open-watcom/open-watcom-v2/releases/tag/Current-buildI install last "stable build" with sample command : "sudo ./open-watcom-2_0-c-linux-x64".
Result : directory installation in /usr/bin/watcom (under this directory many sub-directories, only "binl" or "binl64" used directly on Linux, version 32 bits or 64 bits of tools)
After tests (without CB, because syntax are not recognize ...) results are :
construct OK with two lines, compilation and then linkage (initial PATH : "export PATH=/usr/bin/watcom/binl:$PATH")
wcc386 hello.c -ecc -bt=linux -i=/usr/bin/watcom/lh -d2 -dDEBUG -d_DEBUG -fo=objOW32/Debug/hello.o
wlink debug watcom file objOW32/Debug/hello.o name binOW32/Debug/hello.exe form ELF run LIN LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386/linux LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386
construct OK with two lines, compilation and then linkage (after change $PATH : "export PATH=/usr/bin/watcom/binl64:$PATH") :
wcc386 hello.c -ecc -bt=linux -i=/usr/bin/watcom/lh -d2 -dDEBUG -d_DEBUG -fo=objOW64/Debug/hello.o
wlink debug watcom file objOW64/Debug/hello.o name binOW64/Debug/hello.exe form ELF run LIN LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386/linux LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386
construct OK with two lines, compilation and then linkage (initial PATH : "export PATH=/usr/bin/watcom/binl:$PATH")
wcc386 hello.c -ecc -bt=linux -i=/usr/bin/watcom/lh -d0 -dNDEBUG -fo=objOW32/Release/hello.o
wlink file objOW32/Release/hello.o name binOW32/Release/hello.exe form ELF run LIN LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386/linux LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386
construct OK with two lines, compilation and then linkage (after change $PATH : "export PATH=/usr/bin/watcom/binl64:$PATH") :
wcc386 hello.c -ecc -bt=linux -i=/usr/bin/watcom/lh -d0 -dNDEBUG -fo=objOW64/Release/hello.o
wlink file objOW64/Release/hello.o name binOW64/Release/hello.exe form ELF run LIN LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386/linux LIBP /usr/bin/watcom/lib386
WARNING : Open Watcom compiler don't generate 64 bits ELF on Linux, same with use of directory /usr/bin/watcom/binl64 in PATH.
That is irrelevant, and compromize use of version 64 bits of these compiler. Nothing interest to test 64 bits ... same behavior on Windows system !!!
NB : Option "-ecc" during compilation, because by default OW use special calling convention (__watcall), then "-ecc" force calling convention to __cdecl most compatible.
Syntax and list of options of these two commands in joined files.
Is it difficult to integrate OW into CB on Linux (by discover during first run by example) ?
Thierry D.