Dear All.
Thanks to all developers for the ongoing effort in the further development of Code::Blocks.
After some month I decided use the new nightly 13344 (01.09.2023) to update Code::Blocks from the version used before 13107 (10.12.2022)
Unfortunately, I had to face an issue again, that I have already reported for the nightly 22.01.2022 (12672) here:,24820.msg169254.html#msg169254.
Code::Blocks is not able to recognize the compiler tool-chain configuration done in the conf-file by using global variables.
Please see the attached zip-file for the current screenshots:
- MinGW_12_2_0_64msvc_MSYS.conf : the conf-file I choose by using the personality dialogue.
- CB_13344_compilers_autodetection.png: the first information page I get now regarding the missing compiler tool suit.
- CB_13344_compiler_toolchain_executables.png: the partly overwritten list of build-tools actualy completly filed with global variables.
- CB_13159_compiler_toolchain_executables.png: the correct ist of build-tools filed with global variables.
As mentioned the same issue was already reported by me 22.01.2022 (12672). You have solved the issue with the nightly from 06.02.2022 (12705).
Thus, I hope the description there is detailed enough and I don't have to repeat it here again. However, don't hesitate to ask me for details you miss.
I tested some older releases between 13107 and 13344 to figure out when the issue was introduced again:
- 13344 bug is present
- 13268 bug is present
- 13231 bug is present
- 13166 bug is present
- 13159 works as desired
- 13107 works as desired
Thus I assume that the issue was introduced again between the revision 13159 (22.01.2023) and the revision 13166 (29.01.2023).
By the way: I'm working with windows 10 (frequently updated) on a laptop.
Best Regards,
Eckard Klotz.