Author Topic: Unable to run Code::Blocks - terminated by signal SIGSEGV  (Read 3695 times)

Offline nirnex

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Unable to run Code::Blocks - terminated by signal SIGSEGV
« on: September 27, 2022, 05:22:24 pm »
I am attempting to run Code::Blocks on a fresh fully updated install of Garuda Linux (Arch based for those unaware) running KDE Plasma. When I attempt to start it I see the splash screen, and a dialog box flashes up very briefly. I can see that it has created ~/.config/codeblocks but no files in it yet. It appears to cause some issues with KDE and Latte, but I haven't been able to find any particular log messages there yet. When I run from command line I get the following output.
Starting Code::Blocks Release 20.03  rev 11997 Jul 12 2022, 21:44:09 - wx3.2.0 - gcc 12.1.0 (Linux, unicode) -64 bit
Manager initialized
Initialize EditColourSet .....
Initialize EditColourSet: done.
Loading menubar...
AStylePlugin: loaded
AutoVersioning: loaded
BrowseTracker: loaded
Cccc: loaded
CppCheck: loaded
Cscope: loaded
DoxyBlocks: loaded
EditorConfig: loaded
EditorTweaks: loaded
HexEditor: loaded
IncrementalSearch: loaded
MouseSap: loaded
NassiShneidermanPlugin: loaded
Profiler: loaded
ProjectOptionsManipulator: loaded
RegExTestbed: loaded
ReopenEditor: loaded
SmartIndentCpp: loaded
SmartIndentFortran: loaded
SmartIndentHDL: loaded
SmartIndentLua: loaded
SmartIndentPascal: loaded
SmartIndentPython: loaded
SmartIndentXML: loaded
SpellChecker: loaded
SymTab: loaded
ThreadSearch: loaded
ToolsPlus: loaded
Valgrind: loaded
Abbreviations: loaded
Autosave: loaded
BYOGames: loaded
CB_Koders: loaded
ClassWizard: loaded
CodeCompletion: loaded
CodeSnippets: loaded
CodeStat: loaded
Compiler: loaded
copystrings: loaded
Debugger: loaded
FilesExtensionHandler: loaded
cbDragScroll: loaded
EnvVars: loaded
Exporter: loaded
HeaderFixup: loaded
HelpPlugin: loaded
cbKeyBinder: loaded
lib_finder: loaded
OccurrencesHighlighting: loaded
OpenFilesList: loaded
ProjectsImporter: loaded
rndgen: loaded
ScriptedWizard: loaded
ToDoList: loaded
wxSmithAui: loaded
wxSmith: loaded
wxSmithMime: loaded
wxSmithContribItems: loaded
Source code formatter (AStyle) plugin activated
AutoVersioning plugin activated
BrowseTracker plugin activated
Cccc plugin activated
CppCheck plugin activated
Cscope plugin activated
DoxyBlocks plugin activated
EditorConfig plugin for Code::Blocks plugin activated
Editor Tweaks plugin: Building menu
Editor Tweaks plugin: making the menu 15
Editor Tweaks plugin: Folding menu
EditorTweaks plugin activated
HexEditor plugin activated
IncrementalSearch plugin activated
MouseSap plugin activated
NassiShneidermanPlugin plugin activated
Code profiler plugin activated
Project options manipulator plugin activated
Regular expressions testbed plugin activated
ReopenEditor plugin activated
SmartIndentCpp plugin activated
SmartIndentFortran plugin activated
SmartIndentHDL plugin activated
SmartIndentLua plugin activated
SmartIndentPascal plugin activated
SmartIndentPython plugin activated
SmartIndentXML plugin activated
Loading image: '/usr/share/codeblocks/SpellChecker/16x16/disabled.png' succeeded!
SpellChecker plugin activated
Symbol Table Plugin plugin activated
ThreadSearch plugin activated
ToolsPlus plugin activated
Valgrind plugin activated
Abbreviations plugin activated
Autosave plugin activated
BYO Games plugin activated
Koders query plugin activated
Class wizard plugin activated
Code completion plugin activated
Code snippets plugin activated
Code statistics plugin activated
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler"
Added compiler "Intel C/C++ Compiler"
Added compiler "GDC D Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU Fortran Compiler"
Added compiler "G95 Fortran Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for ARM"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for Android"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for AVR"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for Blackfin"
Added compiler "LLVM Clang Compiler"
Added compiler "Digital Mars D Compiler"
Added compiler "LLVM D Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for LM32"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for LM8"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for MSP430 (HighTec)"
Added compiler "*No Compiler*"
Added compiler "PGI Fortran Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for PowerPC EABI"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for PowerPC (HighTec)"
Added compiler "Small Device C Compiler"
Added compiler "Tiny C Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for TriCore (HighTec)"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for ZPU"
Master path of compiler ID "gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "icc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "sdcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "tcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "clang" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "arm-elf-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "android-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "avr-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "bfin-elf-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "lm32-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "lm8-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "zpu-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "msp430-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "tricore-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "ppc-gcc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "powerpc-eabi" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "gdc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "ldc" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "dmd" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "gfortran" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "g95" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "pgifortran" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
Master path of compiler ID "null" is empty -> triggers auto-detection.
fish: Job 1, 'codeblocks' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)

Any assistance would be appreciated. I've had it running on Garuda and other Arch based distros in the past without any issue and am at a bit of a loss as to what's going on now.

Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Unable to run Code::Blocks - terminated by signal SIGSEGV
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2022, 06:04:41 pm »
May be related to this ticket, try moving away the Doxyblocks plugin.

Offline nirnex

  • Single posting newcomer
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  • Posts: 2
Re: Unable to run Code::Blocks - terminated by signal SIGSEGV
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2022, 08:45:51 pm »
That appears to have done it. Thanks a ton.