Author Topic: Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest  (Read 119194 times)

Offline rickg22

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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« on: April 20, 2005, 11:28:48 pm »
As you've seen in the announcements, we're running a contest to redesign the website, and we need your help!

The idea is to design the frontpage and make it look professional.

Here are some sites to help you see what I have in mind.


* The code must be compatible with PostNuke
* The code must also be cross-browser, and be able to validate at the W3C validator
* It must include the Code::Blocks logo
* A screenshot must appear on the page
* Don't use more than 2 columns (1 - menu, 2 - decoration / screenshot)
* Must be appealing to the viewer
* Must _NOT_ plagiarize any existing webpage

You can design them as HTML files, later we'll see how to adapt them to PostNuke (but if you already design them as postnuke templates, even better).

Please mail your zipped contributions to rick (at) codeblocks (dot) org.

The contest will be closed before 1.0-final is released, so we can prepare the website to appear on Slashdot.

Comments, doubts and suggestions welcome.


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2005, 07:07:36 am »
Sorry I can't help (you really don't want that), but for a suggestion, make sure it is very easy to tell that the software is entirely free (hapedit does it well). Otherwise, if users like me think that it is shareware/crippled, they might leave right away.

This looks like a good idea. Good luck with it!

Offline bertg

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Re: Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 05:00:53 pm »
I am quite happy with the current design - it's simple and clear.
The only thing I'd like to see is a better visual contrast between the "blocks" and the background.

This can be achieved simply by changing the background colour. Like this:

Offline rickg22

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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 11:00:50 pm »
Thanks, it looks definitely better :-)

By the way, i still wonder if it doesn't look "too cluttered". I mean, my plan was to have a "front page" with nothing but the menu on the left and a nice background (and a screenshot) on the right. What do you think about it?


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2005, 02:48:51 am »
I think those who know CodeBlocks today (including myself) care more about the product then the web-presentation of it. But if you want to reach the masses, a better looking website could help. If development goes on with the same speed as now, then I think, soon the only big competitor remaining will be Microsoft with free version of VisualStudio 8, which has a very nice website.


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2005, 04:33:01 pm »
I can't designe a html page at the moment following the reqiurerment so i figure i'll post my Ideas here so some one might implement them or even improve them.  I put the reason why bellow.

Thing I want in a web page that is sometimes forgotten.

-fetures list added and move it to the front of the screen.  

People want to see what it dose right away And if i dosen't have this some pepole might git frustrated and leave there sight.  

-and the fact it uses Scintilla and wxwidgets in features list with link pointing to there sight.

******please note i think it also use tinyxml but haven't look for a webpage for it.********
These are impotant feature the codeblocks leaves unmention and there web page is a good source of info.  
-You also might want to Put something about a Rad widget's toolbar is in planing stage but probbly be a long while before it is realsed.  This is realy an improtant feature that pepole are going to want to have I dump many ide that i came accoss becuase it did not have one.  I like your Ide because it made with wx widgets and can make one myself if i get fimilar with the interals of code::blocks.

-add a screen shot to the front of the page defently helps pepole often put a link to more screenshot
It look nice and often pepole want to see how something is done the screen shot can often ansser it better then words.

- add a texure background tiled i bieleve dev-cpp dose this.
this adds a very cool look.

- a short summarry of want codeblock dose also on front with more link underit to give more details.
i like a short summary of what i'm look at.

Good luck with your guys web pages  :D

Offline rickg22

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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2005, 01:13:08 am »
Thanks! :) We appreciate your suggestions (and personally, I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants a simpler layout. Did you vote yet? :P )


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2005, 02:57:39 pm »
I tried to make the codeblocks logo a bit more stylish.
and here is it:

here is the same logo with better resolution.

It was made with blender and gimp.
Maybe you can need it.
But remember this was only a try.  :wink:

best regards chris.

Offline rickg22

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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2005, 05:25:03 pm »
WOW, THAT'S COOL!!! (I vote for the bottom one)

Mandrav, mind posting a poll regarding this tentative new logo? And chris, i suppose you have the procedures or vector files (if the case) so we can keep them so the logo can be reproduced later?


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2005, 07:04:29 pm »
Chris, this is awesome!

Already used it ;) (hit refresh if you don't see it)
 :lol:  8)  :mrgreen:

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...

Offline Profic

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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2005, 09:03:35 pm »
Just today I was trying to remake c::b logo in same way (e.g. using transparency) but in 2d.
But that one look pretty :)
Not fear, nor tears can reach me now, the light seems so clear as the night fades away (c) Tristania - Beyond The Veil


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2005, 09:12:48 pm »
Yes, it looks quite nice  :D
As I said I built it with blender and gimp.
Here are the files:

Feel free to modify them.

Offline rickg22

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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2005, 10:01:08 pm »
Cool :) Hey, um not that I'm a partypooper but... don't the words look a bit blurry on the webpage?

Update: I just uploaded the sharpened version at SF (patch requests). (Until we support file uploads in here, sorry I don't have a personal webpage of my own)


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2005, 01:33:24 pm »
How dow we vote i can't find a link anyware to vote on the desktop


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Regarding the Code::Blocks homepage design contest
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2005, 01:34:19 pm »
How dow we vote i can't find a link anyware to vote on the webpage i would love to see what otheres are doing
