Regarding the Dr. MinGW part, recent versions do not run on Windows 7.
Thanks, do you know which is the latest version of Dr MinGW which support Windows 7. Or maybe there are someone which supply a better JIT debugger?
I have follow the way(use the -O0 and -ggdb option) AndrewCot did, and I have downloaded several release version of Dr.MinGW, and they did not give me the call stack.
drmingw-0.9.5-win64, does not work, no call stack crash report.
drmingw-0.9.4-win64, does not work, no call stack crash report.
drmingw-0.9.3-win64, I can't start C::B if I use this dll, it report some api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll is missing
drmingw-0.9.2-win64, it works, but not the full call stack is printed, I got only two lines, like below:
codeblocks.exe caused a Breakpoint at location 000007FECAE102D7 in module wxmsw317u_gcc_cb.dll.
AddrPC Params
000007FECAE102D7 0000000007374C92 0000000007374BF0 000000000C4FEEB0 wxmsw317u_gcc_cb.dll!wxUniChar::ToHi8bit
000007FEB609C194 0000000000006210 0000000000000051 0000000000000132 ThreadSearch.dll!To8bit
So, it looks like the only version is the 0.9.1 which is in our SVN repo, but it can't print the line info of the call stack.