Thanks for the info.
I am currently developing services and libraries in
C under
FreeBSD - I would like to stabilize the version as it crashes on a regular basis.
I have extracted from
Source Forge the latest source code.
Where can I find the
procedure to rebuild on
I had a look on the web site and the documentation but there is no specific detail for
FreeBSD. The manual also specifies that Building
Code::Blocks for
Linux "should be reviewed and completed. Does not seem to be totally updated"[sic]. As you correctly mentioned
Linux is not
FreeBSD and definitely some settings needs to be correctly configured.
I am also unaware of any third party library used. Is there a list?
Crashes mainly happens on 2 occasions:- building or rebuilding, excess of opened pipes (clicking cancel crashes, continue makes the whole environment unstable)
- No action from the end-user. suddenly Code::Blocks crashes even overnight. Happens at least one time a day.
Code::Blocks crashes, it simply disappear silently leaving only a
.core file a proof of the sudden disappearance.