Hello all
here is my goal :
I have a script that provide different tests case for my codding programme.
I want code::block to adapte to the differents cases when using debbuger.
for exemple I want one parameter comming from the shell command :
basename -s .xml $(readlink tmp_simu/conf.xml)
this solution works when using the run button (
green triangle):
<Option parameters="--csvin tmp_simu/in.csv --conf \$(basename -s .xml $\(readlink tmp_simu/conf.xml\)\) ... />
the shell command is substitued by its value.
but if I use de Debug/continue button (
red triangle) the shell command is not executed so its see as
faulty parameters instead of the shell command value :
anybody has an idee to solve my pb ?
(I use code::block on linux)
thanks reading me
hope my english is good enough