I really really love codeblocks. I use it for quite complex projects and I feel that this environment has saved my life and my work several times.
I started more than 12 years ago using DevCPP, and sometime around 5 years ago I jumped to CB and I really felt the improvement for better.
I am a pure C programmer, and I develop firmware for embedded systems, but many times I have to do projects involving a Windows machine, and this is the BEST solution for both worlds. And it is definetly the best solution for programming C under Windows. I simply don't like the over-bloated Visual Studio.
I would like to contribute somehow to improve it. I am so thankful...
I have donated some money in the past, but I would like to do something more.
Please tell us what can we do more to improve this already incredible and ultra-powerful tool . I would really like to get more people involved in this project, to have more frequent updates, to solve some bugs...