recap :
1) tonight I will create a new ansi nightly (will do it weekly)
2) I am going to do experiments for that unicows thingy (so that 1 build would suit all M$ OS users), I don't have win9X, so I will post these test build in the HELP forum (since I need help ;-) ), so I hope all of you win9X users will download and try it out then. So hopefully we will crach this sucker this week, so that the weekly ones will no longer be needed.
That would be great i think! Probably you know what you have to do better than me but what i think the steps are:
a)c::b will then have to use another - different "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll" version built using the "MSLU=1" flag. Which means that in order to have a unicode version of "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll" working on win9x OS as well, we have to link "unicows.dll" when building "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll". Unicows.dll is "free" to use i think but the library to link it is not (well, what i just said is not quite clear - we have to make it clear before we do anything) Or a more appropriate approach on this could be found at "Opencow.dll" is a substitute for "unicows.dll" (but i'm not sure it's complete or supported by wxWidgets, at the URL above there is more info on this) And, of course, a "free" version of the needed linking library at (works with unicows - should be working with opencow too) (here there is some info about legal things too). Just put the dll and library at the folder where wxWidgets are built (./lib/msw i think it is) and go on..
b)so, now that we've built the win9x version of "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll" (i've actually done it) we have to build c::b using this dll (this is what i have not managed to do yet). I suppose no more changes should be made at the project, since unicows.dll/opencow.dll is linked at wxWidgets and i suppose they've taken care of it actually working. So we just have to build a new wxWidgets dll and use this from now on
Well, i'm not sure that my instructions were clear or that i didn't ommit anything but since we are a community.. i thought i should share it even if i talk nonsense (if killerbot hadn't stated that he would "do experiments" probably i would't have said anything, assuming that there's no need to)