Author Topic: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1  (Read 38475 times)

Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2022, 04:56:47 pm »
320 and 970 closed...

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2022, 06:35:04 am »
Below is a list of tickets which have the owner set:

1277    |    bluehazzard    |    Add UI to store default values and descriptions of global variables in project files
1262    |    bluehazzard    |    Status bar
1261    |    bluehazzard    |    Add button to switch between Intel and AT&T disassembly style in the disassembly window
1260    |    bluehazzard    |    Bring codeblocks plugin wizard up to date
1258    |    bluehazzard    |    Thread Search context/CollapseAll in ListSTC Type
1255    |    bluehazzard    |    Gray out file not build/link by the currently selected target
1056    |    bluehazzard    |    "Objects output dir" field is silently deleted
960    |    bluehazzard    |    SFML Project Template Wizard
900    |    bluehazzard    |    Update for plugin script
854    |    bluehazzard    |    Batch build stalls when window is not active
851    |    bluehazzard    |    Show length of selected text
832    |    bluehazzard    |    wxSmith does not honor CR-LF mode
806    |    bluehazzard    |    [class wizard] Add more styling options to class wizard
797    |    bluehazzard    |    [ThreadSearch] The drop down boxes for mask and dirs is not set in the option dialogs
789    |    bluehazzard    |    [wxSmith] Sizer and wxAUI bugs
778    |    bluehazzard    |    Sorting the output of the Vera++/cppchecker
729    |    bluehazzard    |    Add UI for project globs
617    |    bluehazzard    |    [wxSmithSTC] Replace wxScintilla with wxStyledTextCtrl and fix multiple other errors
511    |    bluehazzard    |    [ScriptedWizard] Add button for global vars in "Generic select path" dialog
461    |    bluehazzard    |    Switch to the next file in the stack when the ctrl-tab/ctrl-, button is pressed
48    |    bluehazzard    |    Print dialogue appears for every file when batch printing multiple files
246    |    Jens Lody    |    Project loading/layout speedup
163    |    Jens Lody    |    Put a copy of wxwin.m4 inside m4/
1030    |    Lieven de Cock    |    Entry Point not Found on Windows XP
1188    |    Morten MacFly    |    Macromanager does not replace double qote macro with nothing in the expansion
1184    |    Morten MacFly    |    Add ability to save and export and import the global variables in the global vaiiable editor
1126    |    Morten MacFly    |    When loading a project no compiler validation checks are done
1119    |    Morten MacFly    |    Windows Installer update request
868    |    Morten MacFly    |    Project Options Manipulator plugin
270    |    Morten MacFly    |    Projects do not build when swapping source files.
128    |    Morten MacFly    |    Changing compilers leaves old options laying around
99    |    Morten MacFly    |    ThreadSearch and Lib Finder plugins depend on wxSmith plugin (windows installer problem)
5    |    Morten MacFly    |    Support Visual Studio 2012
1045    |    ollydbg    |    plugin / contrib / help / unreachable code
286    |    ollydbg    |    CC crash when closing workspace
281    |    ollydbg    |    Let's CC support Conditional Code :: Blocks. highlighting in the editor
239    |    ollydbg    |    Windows: use only one pch file for all targets, also reduce exported symbols from codeblocks.dll
224    |    ollydbg    |    Duplication in documentation tooltip
177    |    ollydbg    |    Code completion fails with enum variables defined/declared along with the enum types
158    |    ollydbg    |    Code completion fails with the "using Alias = Type" syntax in C++11
145    |    ollydbg    |    Code completion ignores parameters of catch-clauses
127    |    ollydbg    |    Code completion fails with complex declarations/definitions
47    |    ollydbg    |    Show call tip of the constructor function
31    |    ollydbg    |    restrict keyword and auto-completion
959    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Editor: code folding bar artefacts in HiDPI
946    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Retina support for wxSmith
943    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Use system hotlight color for start page links
928    |    Teodor Petrov    |    SmartIndent doesn't add closing brackets properly
922    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Debugger breakpoints with invalid fullname path
783    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Folding: "Fold all on open" performs 'Toggle All', instead of 'Fold All'
776    |    Teodor Petrov    |    File permissions changed when saved on Windows
638    |    Teodor Petrov    |    debuggergdb: add pipe remote debugging protocol
587    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Add theme support for Settings->Environment->Colours
575    |    Teodor Petrov    |    The editormanager does not close all open tabs with deleted files
442    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Extend macro expansion
411    |    Teodor Petrov    |    CB becomes unusable if the project is modified when build options is open on Linux
404    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Ctrl+Tab moves focus instead of switching editor tabs
395    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Add UTIs to the OS X plist
341    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Some additions to scriptwizard bindings
329    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Debuger bug
325    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Speedup opening of "Goto file..." dialog in large projects
317    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Discriminating files with the same name
305    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Assert failure: invalid encoding value in wxCSConv ctor
283    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Bug e Outros 15.xx Brasil C++ Previs Erros
250    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Proposal - debugger perspective defaults, additional debugger windows
209    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Bug in debugger logic
184    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Excessive X traffic in response to key press in editor window
174    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Breakpoints removed from editor are not removed from GDB
169    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Predefined user commands for debugger plugin
138    |    Teodor Petrov    |    GDB showing return value
132    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Feature request: Make Backup Directory Configuranble
120    |    Teodor Petrov    |    folding causes incorrect display, occasionally lines of code vanish
60    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Enable file delete from file context menu in project window
49    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Add flag to exclude some project files from search
44    |    Teodor Petrov    |    Code completion when typing in multiple selections simultaneously
1074    |    Yiannis Mandravellos    |    Codeblocks Forum links Broke

Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2022, 04:33:00 pm »
You can delete 575.

Tickets owned by Teodor Petrov are orphans now.

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2022, 09:39:33 am »
Should someone change the tickets to remove the owner where it is set to Teodor Petrov?

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2022, 09:41:03 am »
Below is the open tickets that have a Milestone set, which in most cases is not correct.

#    Milestone    Owner    Summary
1265    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    Patch for Linux-3.1.x
1262    -    Next_Nightly    -    bluehazzard    -    Status bar
1192    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    Shift + tab bug
1083    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    Fix multiple instances when "Use an already running instance" is checked"
1027    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    Auto-complete didn't work with using cptr = const * type (svn 12207)
992    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    An unhandled exception
943    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Use system hotlight color for start page links
928    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    SmartIndent doesn't add closing brackets properly
922    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Debugger breakpoints with invalid fullname path
900    -    Next_Nightly    -    bluehazzard    -    Update for plugin script
778    -    Next_Nightly    -    bluehazzard    -    Sorting the output of the Vera++/cppchecker
600    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    Project's options not overwriting Global ones
411    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    CB becomes unusable if the project is modified when build options is open on Linux
305    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Assert failure: invalid encoding value in wxCSConv ctor
286    -    Next_Nightly    -    ollydbg    -    CC crash when closing workspace
270    -    Next_Nightly    -    Morten MacFly    -    Projects do not build when swapping source files.
246    -    Next_Nightly    -    Jens Lody    -    Project loading/layout speedup
224    -    Next_Nightly    -    ollydbg    -    Duplication in documentation tooltip
174    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Breakpoints removed from editor are not removed from GDB
169    -    Next_Nightly    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Predefined user commands for debugger plugin
145    -    Next_Nightly    -    ollydbg    -    Code completion ignores parameters of catch-clauses
42    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    Filling empty line by spaces instead of TAB character
38    -    Next_Nightly    -    none    -    ESC does not closes just opened modal dialogs
1043    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Feature Request: Code::Blocks compiling in C#!
980    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Debugger Problem Error
959    -    Next_Release    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Editor: code folding bar artefacts in HiDPI
930    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    wxGTK3 horizontal scrollbar: some part of a long line always stays off the screen
855    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Ctrl+Z after paste the xml string from cutting a control would cause Codeblocks crash
209    -    Next_Release    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Bug in debugger logic
206    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Precompiling headers fails with modern versions of GCC
129    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    doxyblocks block comment bug
128    -    Next_Release    -    Morten MacFly    -    Changing compilers leaves old options laying around
127    -    Next_Release    -    ollydbg    -    Code completion fails with complex declarations/definitions
120    -    Next_Release    -    Teodor Petrov    -    folding causes incorrect display, occasionally lines of code vanish
119    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    automatic generation of close curly brace
118    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    depslib adds unnecessary dependencies which cause unnecessary recompilation in some cases
117    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    search replace in box selection mode replaces outside of box
108    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    App crashes when pressing F9 / compile+run and there are special characters in the path
99    -    Next_Release    -    Morten MacFly    -    ThreadSearch and Lib Finder plugins depend on wxSmith plugin (windows installer problem)
97    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Tab context menu not aware of project switch
95    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    wrong project is executed if switching projects during build-and-run
88    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Code completion mouse hover tooltip is always active
83    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    codecompletion's setting not saved correctly
81    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Patch for option to automatically select a run target
78    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Patch Autoversionning add onn
77    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Patch compiler LCC / missing librairies
76    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Patch compiler LCC/LCC64
75    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Patch for running elevated program on Windows Vista and after
70    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Jump to first search result on/off
65    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Patch for saving/restore small window size position
63    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    ToolsPlus + Keybinder
50    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Add option to play an alert sound when compilation finishes
49    -    Next_Release    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Add flag to exclude some project files from search
48    -    Next_Release    -    bluehazzard    -    Print dialogue appears for every file when batch printing multiple files
47    -    Next_Release    -    ollydbg    -    Show call tip of the constructor function
44    -    Next_Release    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Code completion when typing in multiple selections simultaneously
43    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    Code complete-keyword final
31    -    Next_Release    -    ollydbg    -    restrict keyword and auto-completion
27    -    Next_Release    -    none    -    function returning struct confuses codecompletion for close brace
5    -    Next_Release    -    Morten MacFly    -    Support Visual Studio 2012
1030    -    Release_xx.yy    -    Lieven de Cock    -    Entry Point not Found on Windows XP
971    -    Release_xx.yy    -    none    -    C::B-Library Finder Plugin hangs on auto-detection scan
958    -    Release_xx.yy    -    none    -    Bug in Editor
950    -    Release_xx.yy    -    none    -    Bpo shortcuts doesn't work anymore
944    -    Release_xx.yy    -    none    -    Signing requirements for OSX builds...
783    -    Release_xx.yy    -    Teodor Petrov    -    Folding: "Fold all on open" performs 'Toggle All', instead of 'Fold All'
753    -    Release_xx.yy    -    none    -    [Debugger/nightly Oct 2018] no break point options by right click in break points frame any more
613    -    Release_xx.yy    -    none    -    Regular expressions search/replace issue within text files with special characters (german Umlaute like , , ...)

Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2022, 11:08:12 am »
Should someone change the tickets to remove the owner where it is set to Teodor Petrov?
Probably, but the tickets he owned are debugger-related or relevant, so IMHO if we remove their owner they should be marked as Accepted (or use a similar method to differentiate)

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2022, 01:00:43 pm »
Is the SF ticket process documented anywhere or what the fields are used for documented anywhere?

Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Sourceforge Ticket review - feeback on easy tickets to close part 1
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2022, 01:21:28 pm »
I do not think so.