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Code completion using LSP and clangd

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Thank you.

I just compiled it on ubuntu linux without any compile-error. Arch I can do only in the evening. Since the configure args are the same and both use wxWidgets trunk, chances are, that the outcome will be the same on arch.

Head svn13517 compiles again without compile-error on arch linux as well.

When debugging, the current PC (program counter) marker is covered by the clangd_client marker.

See the image below, the first image is that the debugger hits the breakpoint at the line 2342, you see the current PC marker can't be seen

In the second image, you see that if the "next line" button get clicked, the current PC marker can be seen again.

I'd favour hiding the clangd_client marker during debugging. I prefer them sharing the same space like they do now over wasting more real estate on the screen -- even on larger desktop screens.


--- Quote ---svn13517:  - Clangd_client include "sdk.h" needed for lspdiagresultslog.cpp no matter what clangd says
--- End quote ---

FYI: The warning can be suppressed by issueing a pragma:

--- Code: ---#include <cmath> // IWYU pragma: keep
--- End code ---

That reduces clutter in the clangd_client's LSP messages box in Code::Blocks. OTOH, in general, it makes sense to go the extra mile and remove unneded #include pretty much wherever you can.

In cases like these, cmath is needed to provide M_PI which clangd does not see.


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