Thank you for searching for the 'wx' function responsible for the message.
I can't find the call of this function...
Steps to reproduce the problem with cb-12180, gcc-8.1.0-dwarf, wx3.1.3,, win32 (Vista Business) :
1- active project: any
2- load 'All_codeblocks.po'
3- add spaces anywhere
4- save the file ... from that moment on,
- the cursor indicates a standby state for #40 S, then an exception message appears (see attached file)
1- action : 'Abortl' twice => new message 'Error unknown'; action : 'ok' once => CB closes
2- action : 'Retry' or Ignore' once => CB closes and the modified file is not saved.
I've been running tests on Win7
1- win7-32: cb-12180, gcc-810-dwarf, wx-3.1.3
2- win7-64: cb-12180, gcc-810-seh, wx3.1.3
the save is correct